Support for Black 学生 and Anti-Racism Resources

Our Message to Our Community about Anti-Racism

CAPS辅导员明白,生活在一个压迫性的社会中,种族主义政策长期存在,会影响BIPOC学生的心理健康. CAPS counselors strive to combat anti-Blackness, anti-Semitism, anti-土著, 恐同症, 不再恐, 残疾歧视, 种族歧视, and xenophobia in all forms. CAPS counselors also acknowledge that we too, 是种族主义问题的一部分,并致力于通过有意识地采取符合反种族主义和社会公正原则的政策和做法,成为解决方案的一部分. All CAPS counselors are highly trained in serving our students. In addition to training required for licensure, 所有加州州立大学洛杉矶CAPS辅导员都需要参与针对我们在校园里服务的不同人群的培训.

*免责声明:足彩外围网站或加州州立大学LA- shc /CAPS不监控或认可任何这些资源, we recommend that you verify with the Department of Consumer Affairs 在与精神健康提供者会面以核实其业务/执照之前.

Support for Black 学生

  • The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation: The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation was launched this past April. Named for the founder Taraji P. Henson's father, 在越战服役后经历过心理健康问题的人, 它的创建是为了为正在应对冠状病毒大流行影响的黑人家庭和个人提供免费治疗. According to its website, 该基金会“致力于改变非裔美国人社区对精神疾病的看法,鼓励那些患有这种使人衰弱的疾病的人得到他们需要的帮助。."
  • Black Mental Wellness黑人心理健康的使命是“从黑人的角度提供有关心理健康和行为健康主题的资源。, to highlight and increase the diversity of mental health professionals, and to decrease the mental health stigma in the Black community." The site is a good launching pad. 它有足彩外围网站有用的心理健康应用程序和播客的信息,以及足彩外围网站特定行为技巧的文献. Black Mental Wellness also offers workshops and presentations.

  • Between Sessions: Dope 治疗师 and dope conversation. 治疗师和黑色素与心理健康的共同所有者,伊丽莎·博昆和埃博尼·哈里斯
  • 嘿,女孩.: A podcast that unites the voices of phenomenal women near and far. Created with sisterhood and storytelling in mind, 作者 Alex Elle sits down with people who inspire her. From friends to family members and strangers, the 嘿,女孩. 嘉宾们通过坦诚而亲密的对话,让我们一窥他们的故事.
  • Minding My Black Business: dedicated to the mental health of Black Entrepreneurs, led by Dr. JaNae泰勒.
  • 给它命名: The mission of 给它命名 is to call out the elephant in the room, and to call in the voices of social justice that are normally muted. Psychologists Dr. Bedford Palmer & Dr. 拉米沙·希尔介绍了咨询心理学的一些不寻常的方面,并与听众进行了一次比一般节目更深入的对话.
  • Tea with Queen and J:两个崇尚女性主义的种族书呆子边喝茶边谈论解放、政治和流行文化. 一段一段地瓦解白人至上主义的父权资本主义.
  • Therapy for Black Girls: Dr. 乔伊·哈登·布拉德福德,致力于鼓励黑人妇女和女孩的心理健康.

  • @alex_elle: Author & 她是一名健康顾问,与丈夫和孩子住在华盛顿特区的大都会区. 写作进入了她的生活,通过写日记来治疗和探索治愈.
  • @askdrcharmain: Dr. 杰克曼是哈佛大学毕业的心理学家,在心理健康领域工作了23年以上. She is the founder of InnoPsych, Inc.该组织的使命是打破心理健康方面的种族差异.
  • @coolassblackwoman: A safe space for Black women to become vulnerable, find ways in seeing life from a different perspective, and provide support.
  • @decolonizingtherapy: Dr. Jennifer Mullan creates spaces for people and 组织 to heal. 她认为,必须开展对话,以解决心理健康如何受到系统性不平等和压迫创伤的深刻影响, 特别是土著酷儿黑棕色人种(QIBPOC).
  • @doctortkpsych: Licensed clinical psychologist, 作者, branding coach, and speaker that assists in reframing thinking to be healthy physically, psychologically, and spiritually.
  • @dr.marielbuque:持牌心理学家,整体心理健康专家,声音浴冥想治疗师. 她的工作重点是通过全面的心理健康实践帮助人们治愈整个自我,并治愈代际创伤的伤口.
  • @drjoydegruy: Dr. Joy Angela DeGruy是一位国内外知名的研究者和教育家. 她的研究重点是种族主义、创伤、暴力和美国奴隶制度的交集. 作为社会工作领域的专业人士,她有三十多年的实践经验. 她在代际/历史创伤领域举办讲习班和培训, mental health, social justice, improvement strategies and evidence based model development.
  • @包容性治疗师:一个在线空间,寻找对文化有反应的治疗师, social justice-oriented therapist. Centering needs of Black, 土著, and People of Color, the LGBTQIA2S+ community, people with disabilities, and we honor the full neurodiversity spectrum.
  • @justdavia:精神健康治疗师和企业家,专注于支持BIPOC专业人士. “我为精疲力竭的专业人士和注重健康的公司创建治疗程序. Black women + WOC are always at the center of my work.”
  • @kiaundrajackson: Award-winning speaker, TV personality, best-selling 作者, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, KW Couples Therapy, Co-Founder of KW Essential Services and Black Speakers Rock.
  • @ shapingshifftpodcast:利用改变的能量来治愈疾病,用它来创造我们想要的生活.
  • @theamonyee:治疗师,心理健康去殖民化者,黑人创造性和以快乐为中心的从业者.
  • @theblackerthebrain:一个正在进行的运动和对话,使黑人身体的心理健康具有包容性和扩张性.

Anti-Racism Resources

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