

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program is a federally funded program administered 由 Center for Student Financial 援助 that provides employment opportunities to students to earn money for college related expenses in approved on or off campus jobs. 学生 may not work more than 20 hours per week while classes are in session. 每年的奖金高达4000美元. 学生 must be enrolled at least half-time to use their Work Study award.

勤工俭学基金是有限的. Priority funding consideration will be given to students who submit their 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 由 3月2日 每年优先资助审议截止日期.

Financial aid recipients who have never worked as FWS students and who were not initially offered a FWS awards, 可提交 FAN更改表格 申请FWS奖励. The awarding of FWS funds will be dependent upon determination of the student's aid eligibility and the availability of funds.

校内和校外都有勤工俭学的职位. 校外工作通常包括社区服务, 比如在当地的公立学校做家教和咨询.


There are two different kinds of student employees: academic student employees and student assistants. An academic student employee is a student who is hired to do work that is academic in nature; that is, their primary work assignment must be related to a program of study offered in this University. There are three categories of academic student employment: Teaching Associates, 研究生助教, 和学生助教. All other student employees (besides TAs, GAs, and ISAs) are simply student assistants.

A Teaching Associate is a graduate student hired to teach a course or laboratory in the same department in which they are enrolled in graduate study. (There may be exceptions to this for students in interdisciplinary programs, who may be hired to teach in disciplines related to their graduate studies.助教是记录在案的讲师, 对这门课负有主要责任, 包括分级. 他们在一位教员的监督下工作, but are expected to have the expertise and independence to teach the (introductory-level) course. A TA must be admitted to or enrolled in the graduate program in which they teach.

A Graduate Assistant is a graduate student hired to assist one or more faculty members with professional or technical duties. This may include holding discussion sections related to a faculty member’s course(s), 办公时间, 提供辅导, 监督考试, 进行实验练习, 批改试卷, 助理的作为研究或实验室助理的, 诸如此类. 和助教一样, a GA’s work assignment must be related to their graduate studies; 然而, 这种分类的要求稍微宽松一些. The GA may work in a department in which he or she is not enrolled in graduate studies, provided that the work they are hired to do is closely related to their own studies. 例如, 数学专业的学生可能会成为物理专业的助教, and a student studying computer information 系统s might be hired to assist in a computer graphics course in the Art department. 类似的, 总会计师可能被聘用到跨学科的部门, 即使那个部门不提供研究生学位课程. 在任何情况下, 然而, GA的工作分配应该与他们的研究生学习有关, and the GA must be enrolled during every semester in which they work as a GA.

指导学生助理: any student (graduate or undergraduate) who is hired to assist in an academic setting; ISA’s may be hired to teach (though not to be an instructor of record for a course), 年级, 导师, 在实验室里帮忙, 指导其他学生, 诸如此类. 不像助教和助教, ISAs are not restricted in terms of the subject matter they are studying—that is, 任何学生都可以在任何部门被聘为ISA, provided that their work assignment is academic in nature and they are enrolled in some degree program during the term(s) in which they work as an ISA. 例如, a physics major may be hired as an ISA to provide 导师ing in the Writing Center, 艺术专业的学生可能会被聘为计算机实验室的ISA, and an Economics major 1 The ‘admitted to’ simply allows a department to hire an incoming student as a TA on their way into the program. 一旦雇佣了, a TA is expected to be enrolled in the graduate program during each semester in which they work as a TA. may be hired as an ISA to 年级 papers in the philosophy department—provided that in each case the student is qualified to do the work they are hired to do.

学生助理. students hired to perform clerical tasks or other non-academic work (e.g.,协助搬运家具).  



  • Must have completed a 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) for the current award year (i.e. 2017-2018) -访问 www.fafsa.ed.政府
  • Must have demonstrated financial need, with an unmet need of at least $750.
  • 必须满足所有的最小值 令人满意的学业进展 标准. 访问财政援助办公室网站 /financialaid/ 了解更多信息.
  • Must be enrolled at least half-time (6 units undergraduate or graduate).
  • Must have a completed Financial 援助 file and have received official award notification from the 财政援助办事处. 奖项资格也可透过 得到 系统.


  • 职业中心 - -负责发布所有可用的工作机会 CareerLink.
  • 财政援助办事处 -– responsible for determining a student's FWS award eligibility; collecting hiring forms from student and hiring department; and, providing final authorization for monthly payroll submissions by departments.
  • 招聘部门 - -负责进行采访, selecting applicants for hire; assigning job responsibilities and monitoring performance; and, 向财政援助办公室提交每月工资单.
  • 学生- - - - - - responsible for maintaining half-time enrollment and 令人满意的学业进展; meeting all departmental and University 标准 of conduct and work performance; and, submitting monthly timecard before month-end payroll processing deadline.


  1. 通过以下途径查询招聘职位 CareerLink
  2. 提交一份就业申请到 职业发展中心, and interview for position with the potential hiring department(s).
  3. The hiring department will inform all candidates of selection for the available positions.
  4. 入选的申请者将获得一份 雇员交易表格(ETF) 从部门提交给财政援助办公室.
  5. 学生 selected for hire would need to visit the 财政援助办事处 to complete the following documents:
    • 社会保障卡复印件(正反面)
    • 驾照或身份证复印件
    • U的验证.S. 国籍(我.e. 出生证明.S. 护照,或其他)
    • 薪资雇佣包(表格由财政援助办公室提供)