The Program: Courses, Options, and 路线图

Three Options: Acting, 内容创作, Writing

If you are already an experienced actor who wants to expand your storytelling across live and recorded mediums, our Acting option provides opportunities for actors to work onstage and in front of the camera, exploring different physical and vocal techniques while also learning vital production skills to support your career goals.

如果你是一个导演, 生产商, 摄影师, 导演, or designer with a story to tell who wants to gain skills across various mediums, our 内容创作 option offers training to develop multitalented, entrepreneurial artists who can actively create and publish original content to an audience on one or more platforms.

If you are a proficient writer who wants to learn more about producing scripts for short or feature-length films, 电视, and/or short or full-length plays, our Writing option offers coursework across live and recorded mediums in a collaborative, cross-disciplinary curriculum that strengthens the skills and abilities needed to succeed in a competitive industry.

The MFA in TVFT Degree Program

Prospective students must choose ONE of the three options (Acting, 内容创作, or Writing) when applying.  The courses that students take in the MFA in TVFT are determined in part by their chosen option.  There is core coursework that is taken by students in all three options, and there is option-specific coursework that is required for each option.  然而, we encourage cross-disciplinary training and students are able to take classes across all three options, not just those in the core and their specific option.

Requirements for the Degree (58 units): A total of 58 units are required, with 31 units of core courses, 3 units of 最终项目, and 24 units of option requirements.  学生 are expected to maintain 3.0 GPA and a B grade or better in all core courses.  Consultation with a graduate adviser is required for the development and approval of a graduate program, which includes the following courses:

Click on any of the courses below to be taken to the catalog description for the course.

Click on any of the courses below to be taken to the catalog description for the course.

Click on any of the courses below to be taken to the catalog description for the course.


The roadmaps are suggested guidelines as to the classes you can expect to take each semester in each of the three years of the program.  They are not rigid requirements, and course offerings do sometimes fluctuate from the roadmap for various reasons.