返回的学生 Application 和 Admission

以下类别适用于成功完成至少一个学期的前足彩外围网站本科生(i.e., earned grades other than W or WU) in a degree-seeking baccalaureate program 和 有 lost their continuing student status. 重新录取的考虑是基于他们离开时的学术地位以及他们在足彩外围网站学位课程注册后是否尝试过单元.

注意:以前被录取的攻读学位的学生,学术成绩良好,可以在连续缺席不超过4个学期(或2年)后申请返回大学,而无需重新申请重新入学. 看到 Return from Educational Leave information 有关详细信息,. 如果符合条件,则在线 Return From Educational Leave Form 可以在上面找到吗 Registrar's Office Forms page under the "Add, Drop, Withdraw, Repeats, 和 other Enrollment" section. To help facilitate a smooth return to 加州大学洛杉矶分校, we strongly encourage you to submit the form to the Records Office as soon as possible, no later than the start of the desired returning enrollment term.

注意:如果你在被取消资格后缺席足彩外围网站一个学期或更短的时间, please meet with an advisor to complete the Undergraduate Petition for Reinstatement from Disqualification - you will only need to reapply to the University if the reinstatement is not approved. The completed reinstatement form should be emailed to the Registrar's Office ((电子邮件保护))进行处理.


  • Applicants must apply via the online 加州申请 应用程序之间 2023年8月1日至31日.
    • For Spring 2024 admission consideration, all admission requirements must be completed by the end of Summer 2023.
    • 如果你完成了少于60个学期的大学课程,请提交 返回的学生 Verification eForm to request a special code before accessing the 加州申请 应用程序.
  • The following major is CLOSED for Spring 2024 admission:
    • Nursing - Basic Pre-Licensure BSN

  • Applicants must apply via the online 加州申请 应用程序. The 应用程序 filing period opens on 2023年10月1日.
    • If you 有 NOT attended elsewhere since leaving 加州大学洛杉矶分校, (a) completed less than 60 semester units of college credit, or (b) if you are reapplying after 2023年11月30日,请提交 返回的学生 Verification eForm to request a special code before accessing the 加州申请 应用程序.
  • 重要的是: 如果你在学业上被足彩外围网站取消资格,并且已经离开足彩外围网站一年以上, 您必须与您申请重新入学的专业的顾问会面,他们将与您一起提交 Undergraduate Petition for Readmission from Disqualification to the 招生 Office 30天内 of 应用程序 submission. Carefully review the sections below for additional information.
  • For general academic advisement information for returning students, visit the 返回的学生 Advising FAQ webpage.

  • Applicants must apply via the online 加州申请 应用程序. For some tips on how to complete the 应用程序, visit our 应用程序提示 webpage

  • The 加州申请 应用程序 requires you to enter all college coursework, including 加州大学洛杉矶分校 courses, 所以把你的成绩单放在手边,确保你在截止日期前有足够的时间来完成你的申请.
  • To facilitate timely graduation, 所有足彩外围网站的专业都有专门的入学要求,重点是为低级别专业做准备. 请浏览 Major-Specific标准 webpage for the latest information about these requirements.

Returning 转移 Student

如果你在足彩外围网站作为一名正规入学的攻读学位的学生缺席超过2年(或在学术上被取消资格), 和你 在离开足彩外围网站后,在其他学院/大学或通过专业和全球教育学院(PaGE)尝试过单元, you are considered a Returning 转移 Student. Returning 转移 学生 are held to the same eligibility requirements, 申请程序, 和 deadlines as new transfer students. They are also given 'local preference' for admission consideration. 参考 转移 招生 webpage 有关详细信息,.


如果你在足彩外围网站作为一名正规入学的攻读学位的学生缺席超过2年(或在学术上被取消资格), 和你 没有 attempted units at another college/university, or through the 大学 of Professional 和 Global Education (PaGE), since you left 加州大学洛杉矶分校, you are considered a 返回的学生.

  • If you are applying to return to the same major, 您将根据您的学习成绩和您及时成功完成专业的能力(包括该专业的任何学位进度要求)进行重新入学评估.

  • If you are applying to a different major, you will be evaluated based on the Major-Specific Requirements required of current 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students to declare the new major, 和你r ability to successfully complete the major in a timely manner.

Returning students may be required to meet with an academic advisor, 和/or submit an academic plan consistent with the timely graduation policy, in order to be considered for readmission.

Additional information for Disqualified 学生

In addition to the above returning student types, if you were academically disqualified from 加州大学洛杉矶分校 和 wish to seek readmission, you must follow the appropriate 应用程序 procedure, 和 also meet readmission eligibility requirements to qualify for consideration. Readmission after disqualification is not automatic. Disqualified students must wait at least two terms before applying for readmission. 为重新接纳, 学生必须满足学术顾问在学生档案中记录的取消资格面试的条款和条件. 学生 must also 有 a cumulative 加州大学洛杉矶分校 grade point average (GPA) that is at or above the minimum for their class level when they apply.

Level/大学 Units Completed Minimum Cumulative 加州大学洛杉矶分校 GPA
大一新生 (0-29个学期单位) 1.50
二年级学生 (30-59个学期单位) 1.70
初级 (60-89学分) 1.85
高级 (90+学分) 1.95
  • 在被取消资格的情况下,在其他地方获得的学分可以用来减少总成绩不足, but not the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 deficiency (which may be corrected through 开放大学 enrollment via the 大学 of Professional 和 Global Education).

If the readmission request includes a change of major, you must 有 the support of your prior major department, 如果适用的话, 必须满足 Major-Specific Admission Requirements 这个专业. Please remember that seeking readmission to the University requires a commitment of time, 努力, 和 financial resources on your part, 即使满足了考虑的所有最低要求,也不能保证重新入学.

All 加州大学洛杉矶分校 majors 有 Major-Specific Requirements for Admission that are focused on timely degree completion. 返校的学生被认为是“本地学生”,如果他们同时满足新专业的入学要求和足彩外围网站的及时毕业政策,他们可能会被录取到新专业.

If you are changing your major, please review the Major-Specific标准 webpage for your major's specific requirements.

Returning 转移 Student

请注意: Returning 转移 学生 are held to the same eligibility requirements, 申请程序, 和 deadlines as new transfer students. 参考 转移 招生 webpage 有关详细信息,.

  1. 网上申请: 加州申请 by the Returning 转移 deadline.
  2. If previously disqualified, 与你申请重新入学的专业的顾问见面,他们会和你一起提交 Undergraduate Petition for Readmission from Disqualification to the 招生 Office 30天内 of re应用程序. If you are changing your major, you 必须满足 Major-Specific标准 for the new major, 和 also receive support from your prior major department. 看到 next section for 大学 Advisement Center contact email addresses.
  3. 计划提交从离开足彩外围网站后就读的学院/大学的正式成绩单. 秋季入学, transcripts should include courses 和 grades earned through the prior Fall term; for Spring readmission, transcripts should include courses 和 grades earned through the prior Summer term.

网上申请 加州申请 by the 转移 Student Application Deadline. For Fall 2024 readmission, the deadline is 2023年11月30日; for Spring 2024 readmission, the deadline is 2023年8月31日. Once your 应用程序 has been submitted, we will send you a notification by email to acknowledge receipt of your 应用程序. Once we receive all required transcripts 和 documents, we will notify you via email of your readmission decision. Please plan to regularly check your email, 和 promptly respond to requests.


  1. 网上申请: 加州申请 by the 返回的学生 deadline. For Fall 2024 readmission, the 应用程序 filing period is 2023年10月1日-March 31, 2024; for Spring 2024, it is 2023年8月1日至31日.

    • 重要的是:
      • If you: (a) completed less than 60 semester units of college credit, or (b) are reapplying after the 转移 Student Application Deadline (see above),请提交 返回的学生 Verification eForm to request a special code before accessing the 加州申请 应用程序.
      • If previously disqualified, 与你申请重新入学的专业的顾问见面,他们会和你一起提交 Undergraduate Petition for Readmission from Disqualification to the 招生 Office 30天内 of re应用程序. If you are changing your major, you 必须满足 Major-Specific标准 for the new major, 和 also receive support from your prior major department. 看到 next section for 大学 Advisement Center contact email addresses.
  2. Once your 应用程序 has been submitted, we will send you a notification by email to acknowledge receipt of your 应用程序. 如果你是一个回国的学生申请人,离开足彩外围网站后没有上过其他机构, we can usually make an admissions decision without additional documents. 如果需要额外的文件,我们将通过电子邮件通知您以及提交这些文件的截止日期. Please plan to regularly check your email, 和 promptly respond to requests.

请注意: If you last attended 加州大学洛杉矶分校 more than 3 years ago, after you submit your 加州申请 应用程序, 请计划重新提交所有其他大学的正式成绩单(足彩外围网站除外). If you originally started at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 as a freshman student, you may also be asked to resubmit your official high school transcript.

此时此刻, 因学业不合格而离校的返校学生可通过电子邮件申请重新入学. Advisors will guide students through the process of seeking approvals, 和 it does not require students to come to campus.


加州大学洛杉矶分校 uses email as the official means of communication with applicants. Throughout the admissions process, 招生和招聘办公室将发送通信到您在GET学生中心显示的“首选”电子邮件地址. If that email address has changed since your last attendance, please update your email address by visiting your Golden Eagle Territory (GET) Self-Service Student Center. Applicants are required to maintain a current email address on file with the University, 和 to check their email regularly.

帮助防止这些重要的电子邮件被您的电子邮件提供商标记为垃圾邮件/垃圾邮件, 请在 salamzone.com domain as a safe sender in your email account.

在我们审查了您的申请和所需文件后,您将通过电子邮件收到您的入学状态通知. Admission offers may be withdrawn if the GPA, 完成了课程, or course grades are lower than what is reported or if you miss any admission deadlines. Please make sure to report accurate information on your 应用程序.

How do I accept the offer of readmission?

To accept the admission offer, admitted students must pay the non-refundable $100 Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (ECD) by May 1st for Fall admission; or November 1st for Spring admission. The deposit will offset a portion of the student's State University Fee. 除此之外,还要在收到录取通知后30天内提交确认录取决定的文件.

What if I am not offered readmission to 加州大学洛杉矶分校?

In addition to applying to 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 我们希望你考虑过申请一到两所其他的大学,这样在你没有被录取的情况下,你就有了选择.

Can I appeal my admission decision?

If you believe you are eligible for 加州大学洛杉矶分校 admission, you may appeal our decision. 上诉必须在拒绝通知之日起15天内以书面形式提交,并且必须包括上诉的依据和支持的学术记录. We will respond via email to your appeal request within four to six weeks. Only one appeal may be submitted for an academic term. For more information, visit the Admission Appeals webpage.


金融援助: 看看 金融援助 to explore the programs that can assist in making 加州大学洛杉矶分校 affordable. Be sure to review the 申请程序 和 priority deadlines.

校园房屋: Living on campus offers numerous opportunities for students to build lifelong friendships, develop as leaders 和 achieve academic success. 我们最近为大一和大二学生开设的南村住宅综合体以塔楼社区为特色, 社区休息室, 学习的房间, 健身中心, 和新的, exp和ed Village Café dining commons. Junior 和 senior students are invited to consider our apartment community, designed for more independent living. To learn more, visit the Housing 和 Residence Life webpage.

Admitted Student Information: If you 有 already been offered readmission, refer to the Information for Admitted 返回的学生.

Orientation, Advising, 和 Registration: To help ensure a smooth transition to 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 新学员需要在夏季参加为期一天的金鹰培训. 其他信息将在秋季入学的5月(或春季入学的11月)开始发送给已经接受录取通知的学生. For more information, visit the Golden Eagle Orientation webpage.