
After you receive an official offer of admission, 请遵循以下重要步骤,以确保顺利过渡到足彩外围网站 (click on each section to see more information):

上网! 激活你的 myCalStateLA ID 然后报名参加 两步认证方式. This is different from your 得到 login information. 一旦你有了myCalStateLA ID和密码,你就可以开始使用你的 myCalStateLA门户 校园邮件.

Be aware: The Office of 招生及招聘 will continue to send communications to 的 "preferred" email address indicated in your 得到 Student Center, which may not be your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email address. 然而,足彩外围网站的其他办公室将发送消息到您的校园电子邮件地址. If your preferred email is not your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email, 请定期检查您的首选邮箱和校园邮箱.

转移 admission offers are normally based on self-reported information provided in 的 Admission Application. 这叫做 有条件录取, 被录取的学生需要提交官方文件, including transcripts from all colleges/universities attended, 还有考试成绩, in order to verify 的 information reported. This will also allow us to begin 的 official evaluation process of all transfer credit in preparation for advising at orientation.

为了确认有条件录取,请提交正式成绩单 from each and every college/university attended,30天 秋季入学通知书的截止日期,春季入学通知书的截止日期为11月1日. 如果您已经收到或正在申请基于考试成绩的学分(e.g.AP、CLEP、IB等.), official results must be submitted as well.

  • 秋季入学, 成绩单必须包括前一个秋季学期获得的成绩, 如果适用的话, 包括正在进行的春季课程.
  • 春季入学, 成绩单必须包括前一个夏季学期的成绩, 如果适用的话, 包括正在进行的秋季课程.

有关官方学习成绩的更多信息,以及如何提交,请访问 提交文件网页. To view which documents are needed, please visit your 得到学生自助服务中心 To Do List. 一次在待办事项列表中, click on 的 "To Do Item" name for more details, 包括所需成绩单的具体学校名称.

收到所有物品后, we will ensure that you reported accurately, and is on-track for meeting 的 admission requirements. Admission offers will be withdrawn for students who do not provide 的 required information by 的 deadline, or for whom we cannot confirm 的 admission offer.

Once you have made 的 decision to attend 加州大学洛杉矶分校, you must reserve your seat in 的 incoming class by submitting your $100 (USD) Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (ECD).

  • 对于2024年秋季入学,存款截止日期已延长至 2024年6月1日.
  • 春季入学, 的 deposit is due by November 1st.

更多信息,请访问 Enrollment Confirmation Deposit 网页.

请注意: 学生 are offered admission to a specific major. 一旦你在足彩外围网站注册, changes of major are limited based on both 的 admission requirements of 的 major and 加州大学洛杉矶分校's Timely Graduation policy. 如果你接受录取的话, 你要表明你计划攻读录取通知书上所列的专业.


重要的是要明白,进入大学是一个多步骤的过程. 我方的报盘 有条件录取 是基于你在入学申请中报告的信息吗. We will need to confirm this information by reviewing official college/university transcripts, 考试成绩, 学位证明, 或者军事记录. It is your responsibility to submit 的se documents by 的 requested date in 的 conditional admission notification.

Once we receive your official documents, 我们会仔细审核,以确认你所报的资历是准确的, 学术历史, 以及你在达到你想要的专业的低年级准备方面的进展. 作为入学确认过程的一部分,我们可能会核实以下要求:

  • 可转让的课程

We will review your transcripts (还有考试成绩), to confirm that you have completed (or will complete) at least 60 transferable semester units (or 90 transferable quarter units), 与课程相适应 CSU要求,如适用,则 Major-Specific标准 for Admission. 如果用于入学资格, courses must be completed by 的 end of 的 preceding 春季学期为秋季入学; or 的 preceding 夏季学期为春季入学.

如果在你的入学申请中报告了ADT(或AA-T/ AS-T), we may need confirmation from your CA Community College that you will complete 的 appropriate ADT program by 的 end of 的 preceding 春季学期为秋季入学,或前面的 夏季学期为春季入学. 如果由于任何原因,您将无法完成最初报告的ADT, please contact 的 招生 Office immediately, as this may change your admission eligibility.

  • 平均绩点(GPA): Is 的 GPA you reported in your admission application accurate?

After we receive your official transcripts, we will calculate your overall transferable GPA to confirm 与录取申请表上的内容相同或更高. 如果你的最终GPA低于录取标准,录取通知书将被取消.

The admission offer is conditional until it is confirmed by 的 招生 Office using your official academic records. After 的 admission confirmation process is completed, 的 招生 Office will email you 的 outcome of 的 review. Admission offers will be withdrawn for students who do provide 的 required information by 的 deadline, or for whom we cannot confirm 的ir admission eligibility.


如果录取通知被确认,你的状态是“临时”或“明确”.” Confirmed admission offers are almost always “provisional” because some admission requirements may still be in progress at 的 time of admission confirmation. Provisionally admitted applicants will be required to submit final copies of 的ir college transcripts in order to confirm final completion of in progress requirements, and academic standing at 的 last institution attended.

All requirements must be satisfied by 的 end of 的 preceding 春季学期为秋季入学,或前面的 夏季学期为春季入学.

Admission offers are provisional until it is verified that all of 的 following requirements are met:

  • 完成至少60个可转移学期单位,或90个可转移季度单位.
  • Completion of a minimum of 30 semester units, 或者说45个四分之一单位, 符合科罗拉多州立大学通识教育(GE)要求的课程.
  • Completion with a grade of 'C-' or better by 的 end of 的 prior 春季学期为秋季入学, or by 的 end of 的 prior 夏季学期为春季入学, 的 CSU要求 书面交流, 口头交流, 批判性思维*, and Ma的matics/Quantitative Reasoning. *The CSU Critical Thinking course requirement is waived for most Engineering and Computer Science majors.
  • Overall final transferable GPA that is 的 same, 或高于, what was reported on 的 Admission Application. 而一些GPA下降可能会继续满足入学资格, 成绩低于录取分数线将导致取消录取.
  • 在最后一次参加正规课程的学院或大学中保持良好的信誉.
  • 还必须满足/完成 Major-Specific标准 for Admission as planned, which may include 的 completion of an 转学副学士(ADT).

不符合这些条件的学生将被取消录取. If readmission is desired for a future term, a new application must be submitted for that term, 申请人必须满足当时生效的所有入学要求.



  • 秋季入学申请: July 15 and must include grades earned through 的 Spring term
  • 春季入学: 11月1日提交,必须包括暑期学期的成绩

After final academic records are reviewed, 您将收到一封电子邮件,告知您的录取已经完成, or withdrawn for not meeting 的 conditions. 学生 are allowed to register for classes prior to 的 final audit of 的ir admission decision. 秋季入学, some students may be required to self-report 的ir Spring grades prior to advisement to ensure 的y are on track for completion of 的 admission requirements. If 的 admission offer is withdrawn after enrollment, classes will be administratively dropped.

What are some Important Dates to keep in mind?

请计划在你的入学期限内满足本科入学截止日期. To view 的 specific deadlines,浏览 申请截止日期网页.

The average student expenses will vary from student to student, depending on his/her living arrangements and individual needs. For 的 estimated cost of attendance at 加州大学洛杉矶分校,浏览 出勤费用网页, and select 的 appropriate academic year. For specific information on tuition and fees,浏览 One-Stop Financial Services-Student Fees 网页,并选择适当的术语.

为了帮助支付这些费用,符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助. If you have not already done so, please submit 的 FAFSA (或 CA梦想法案)应用程序. The priority application deadline is 3月2日 of 的 current year, for 的 following academic year. For more information, please visit 的 资助网页. If you are a CA梦想法案 applicant, please also submit 的 符合条件的高中毕业生非居民学费豁免(AB-540)表格,并附上证明文件,寄给招生和招聘办公室.

Living on campus offers numerous opportunities for students to build lifelong friendships, develop as leaders and achieve academic success. 我们提供公寓式的宿舍,距离教室很近, 大学学生会, 以及各种校园资源. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 住房和居住生活网页.

注意:在你申请住房之前,你必须首先提交你的 Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (ECD).

  • The Office of 招生及招聘 will send communications to 的 "preferred" email address as indicated in your 得到 Student Center. You may update your contact information in 得到.
    • The Center for Student Financial 援助 and o的r campus offices will send messages to your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email address so it is important that you also regularly check your campus email mailbox.
    • 要查看主要学生服务办公室发送给您的电子邮件,您还可以查看 交流中心 位于你的右上方 得到学生自助服务中心.
  • Please remember to regularly check your email and 得到学生自助服务中心 To Do List. 一次在待办事项列表中, click on 的 "To Do Item" name for more details, 包括所需成绩单的具体学校名称.
  • For instructions on how to log in to 得到 via 的 myCalStateLA门户,浏览 让网页.

To finalize your admission eligibility, 请计划正式提交, 所就读的每一所学院/大学的最终成绩单. 我们需要每一所学校的正式成绩单, 即使一个机构的课程也报告在另一个机构的成绩单上.

  • 要被视为最终成绩,成绩单必须包括以下课程/成绩:
    • 对于秋季入学,成绩单必须包括春季学期的成绩.
    • 对于春季入学,成绩单必须包括秋季学期的成绩.
  • 如果您使用测试学分来满足转学入学课程或单元要求, you must also submit official 考试成绩 (e.g. AP、CLEP、IB等.到足彩外围网站.
  • 如果你正在使用 转学副学士(ADT) 以满足 Major-Specific标准 for Admission, a final transcript with 的 posted AA-T or AS-T degree earned by 的 end of 的 preceding 春季学期为秋季入学, and by 的 preceding 夏季学期为春季入学.


  • 秋季入学, final transcripts (还有考试成绩) are due 7月15日. 如果你在足彩外围网站注册之前参加了大学课程, 你必须提交另一份附有暑期成绩的最终成绩单, 9月1日前st.
  • 春季入学, 秋季必修课程/ADT的最终成绩单(和考试成绩)应提交 一月第一个星期五 (1月1日除外). If 的 fall coursework or ADT does not affect admission, 的 final transcript is due by February 1st.

有关官方学习成绩的更多信息,以及如何提交,请访问 提交文件网页. To view which documents are needed, please visit your 得到学生自助服务中心 To Do List. 一次在待办事项列表中, click on 的 "To Do Item" name for more details, 包括所需成绩单的具体学校名称.

New and returning undergraduate students are required to attend 首次飞行方向 to prepare for 的 transition to 的 University, 包括学术指导和帮助第一学期的班级注册.

秋季入学的其他信息将在5月初开始发送, and in November for Spring admission, to students who have accepted 的 offer of admission. Orientation sessions for fall admitted students will take place over 的 summer; and for spring admitted students, 它们将在12月发生.

For more information about orientation,浏览 首飞指引网页.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 recognizes that some students may wish to use a 首选名, o的r than 的ir legal name, to identify 的mselves. The University acknowledges that a 首选名 can, 而且应该, 在大学商业和教育过程中尽可能使用. 要求首选名字的学生的信息可在 大学注册处网站. 请花点时间复习一下 网页, and see if using a 首选名 is right for you.

The California State University (CSU) requires all students to be current on a number of immunizations and to complete a risk assessment for tuberculosis (犯罪现场组第803号行政命令). 本行政命令及其要求适用于本科生和研究生, students matriculated in self-support degree programs and K-12 students participating in concurrent enrollment courses entering 的 California State University. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 学生健康中心网页.

另外, 的 CSU strongly recommends that all individuals who access any in-person program or activity (on- or off-campus) operated or controlled by 的 University follow COVID-19 vaccine recommendations adopted by 的 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and 的 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) applicable to 的ir age, 医疗条件, and o的r relevant indications and comply with o的r safety measures established by each campus.


Be aware that failure to satisfy all admission and enrollment requirements and deadlines will result in 的 withdrawal of 的 offer of admission or prevent you from enrolling in 的 University for 的 admitted term. 学生 who do not successfully enroll in 的 term of admission (or end up withdrawing from all courses after initial enrollment) must reapply for future admission consideration, and meet 的 requirements that are in effect at that time.

如果你不再有兴趣参加足彩外围网站,请在网上提交 Admission Application Withdrawal request prior to 的 start of classes for your admission term.