
The idea of having a hydrogen station at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 occurred in early 2000 to Dr. 技术部的James Ettaro说. He believed the station could be a learning center to educate students in the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Power, 能源, and 运输 education program and its potential end-users. The station would create a plethora of new activities and encourage new strategies and programs related to a future power source for vehicles.



The first step in planning a new station was to have the support of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and the College of Engineering, 计算机科学, 和技术. As a new technology for vehicles, it was important to show that the investment would be worthwhile.

Dr. Ettaro secured a letter from GM and Hyundai about the importance of hydrogen fuel as a new technology. The first concept was for a $400,000 station, able to produce 20 kg of hydrogen per day. The station was eventually constructed to instead produce 60 kg per day.


An initial concern of the project was to guarantee that the design, 制造业, 建设, 安装, and operations of the hydrogen station would be in accordance with all existing guidelines and regulations. Another important concern was how to obtain the funding required to make the project happen.

与第二个问题相关的是. Ettaro started contacting companies and organizations that might invest in a new vehicle power source. A hydrogen fuel cell vehicle program might have objectives of interest to various organizations, 如:

  • 减少对外国石油的依赖
  • 促进能源多样化和可持续发展
  • 减少碳燃料的使用
  • Demonstration of fuel cell power system technologies


In 2002, the Ahmanson Foundation became the first donor, investing $200,000 in the project. In 2003, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 embraced the vision of becoming the nation’s first University able to generate and dispense compressed hydrogen on-site. A management team was created by the Department of Technology to coordinate the hydrogen station plan.

最初的想法已经写在纸上了, Quantum Technologies was contacted for fueling dispensing equipment and Proton 能源 Systems for an electrolyzer. The team also relied on the help of entities like the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and the National Fuel Cell Education Program (NFCEP).

James Ettaro博士和H2站绘图


2005年,博士. James Ettaro tragically passed away, and the project stalled for several years. 但在此期间,他的同事. 维吉尔·希曼博士. 大卫·布莱克曼追求他的愿景.


In 2008, the State of California showed interest in building three hydrogen stations. The project requirements were that the stations be able to perform three consecutive 5 kg, 10,000 psi fills in 45 minutes (10 min/max fill) and three consecutive 5 kg, 5,25分钟内填满000psi(最多填满6分钟).

管理团队进行了重组, and changes were made to the project to meet government requirements. 足彩外围网站的项目获得了批准,并获得了2美元.7 million grant was received from the 加州空气资源委员会 to build the station. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 was considered a strategic location for a hydrogen station because the University is only 6 miles from downtown Los Angeles and near the 710 and 10 highways.


The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 氢研究和燃料设施 (H2 Station) was formally opened on May 7, 2014. As the nation's largest university-located hydrogen fueling facility, 继续调试, and the facility is available to Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs). 

The station can produce hydrogen on-site from renewable energy sources using the process known as electrolysis. FCEVs' fueling at the station emits only water vapor emissions!

On November 12, 2014, the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 氢研究和燃料设施 became the first in the world to sell hydrogen fuel by the kilogram directly to retail customers*. This is a milestone in the commercialization of hydrogen in preparation for the next generation of electric vehicles that will be powered by hydrogen. Governor Jerry Brown's office informed the university that the fueling facility has received the certification known as the California Type Approval. This is the equivalent of getting the very first sticker from the state government to sell gasoline by the gallon. 阅读更多: 加州州立大学L.A. hydrogen station becomes first in California to be certified to sell fuel to the public."

*See "2015 Annual Evaluation of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Deployment and Hydrogen Fuel Station Network Development", 加州空气资源委员会, 2015年7月, 第4页.

The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Hydrogen Fueling and 研究 Facility honors Dr. James Ettaro by becoming a learning center where students learn through research. It also welcomes the local and international community, offering tours and education. The station is a hub for new strategies and programs related to a future power source for vehicles.


Please contact us with questions or inquiries about the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Hydrogen Fueling and 研究 Facility.
Dr. 大卫Blekhman at (电子邮件保护) or 布莱克螺旋器 at (电子邮件保护)