People Involved

加州州立大学洛杉矶氢研究和燃料设施(HRFF), 通过公共和私人伙伴关系网络, 绿色氢测试平台是否支持劳动力发展, research, 以及洛杉矶中心的社区服务.

Advisory Board

terry tamminen

Terry Tamminen

从他年轻时在澳大利亚到在欧洲的职业经历, Africa, China, 以及整个美国, 特里在商业方面积累了专业知识, farming, education, non-profit, the environment, the arts, and government. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed him Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency and later Cabinet Secretary, 总督的首席政策顾问, 特里在那里制定了许多开创性的可持续发展政策, 包括加州具有里程碑意义的《足彩外围网站》, 氢能高速公路网, 以及百万太阳能屋顶计划. In 2010, 特里是R20气候行动地区的联合创始人, 一种新的公私伙伴关系, 召集地方政府, businesses, financial markets, NGOs, 和学术界实施可衡量的, large-scale, low-carbon, and climate-resilient economic development projects that can simultaneously solve the climate crisis and build a sustainable global economy. 他还通过Pegasus Capital Advisors的第七代顾问提供建议, 绿色气候基金, 以及众多全球企业对可持续发展和“绿色”投资的关注, 同时协助政府和慈善家解决气候问题, including Fiji, India, 洛克菲勒兄弟基金, 以及莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥基金会. 有成就的作家, Terry’s books include “Cracking the Carbon Code: The Keys to Sustainable Profits in the New Economy” (Palgrave Macmillan). In 2011, 特里是扎耶德未来能源奖的六名决赛选手之一, 《足彩外围网站》将特里排在第1位. “能拯救地球的前50人”中排名第一.”

gia vacin

Gia Vacin

Gia Brazil vaccin担任助理副主任, Zero-emission Vehicle (ZEV) Market Development at the 总督商务及经济发展办公室(GO-Biz). She focuses on accelerating the ZEV market in pursuit of California’s goal of 100% ZEVs by 2035 for light-duty and 2045 for heavy-duty vehicles by coordinating state efforts, 与公共和私人合作伙伴合作, 跟踪和加快在CA的ZEV基础设施, 并确定额外业务参与和增长的机会.

在GO-Biz担任职务之前, Gia was an environmental management and strategy consultant for more than 15 years and worked with more than 70 clients across sectors to help mission-driven organizations expand their impact. Gia holds a Master of Environmental Science and Management from the Bren School at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology and Environmental Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

matt gregori

Matt Gregori
技术开发经理-研究,开发, & Demonstration

Experienced leader with a demonstrated history of developing new technologies in the clean energy industry. Skilled in Biofuels, Management, Start-ups, Renewable Energy, Regulated Utilities, and Business Strategy. 具有较强的技术背景.S. in Chemistry from Caltech coupled with business experience and an MBA focused on Sustainable Energy Operations from the University of California, 洛杉矶——安德森管理学院.

siari sosa

Siari Sosa

社会气体低碳资源研究技术开发经理, Development, 及示范小组. Siari在研发部积极管理着两个令人兴奋的项目&D portfolio: the Direct Ocean Capture from Captura and the H2 SilverSTARs project with SunLine Transit Agency. Siari and the team focus on the development of innovative technologies in the areas of carbon capture, sequestration, and utilization, 以及可再生天然气生产应用. 作为这项努力的一部分, Siari与处于不同技术准备水平的开发人员合作, 从研制到大型工程示范试点.

作为STEM的热情倡导者, 我相信,清洁能源未来的关键在于教育和推广. 如果我们努力告知公众和教育我们的年轻人, they will have a better understanding of the technology behind energy development and its real impact in our communities. This makes me excited about the possibilities and the reality that we can make a difference in our future environment.

joanne golden

JoAnne Golden
高级副总裁,负责项目 & GNA Partner
GNA (a TRC company)

乔安妮带来了超过十年的战略发展经验, 政策分析与倡导, 清洁交通, 专攻电气化. 作为一名训练有素的政策和战略举措专家, JoAnne pursues innovation-based solutions that will achieve client success with a focus on results and cost-effective solutions. 她负责ACT博览会的议程制定, 监督大型和多方面的客户项目, 并领导一个战略团队, policy, 清洁技术专家. 乔安妮领导了大规模的资金努力,以加速交通电气化, 给她的客户带来了超过两亿美元的资金.

david park

David Park

作为氢能运输经济发展相关事务的关键人物, I work towards synchronizing hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles with hydrogen fueling infrastructure development, operations, and maintenance. 我领导着重型汽车的行业团体, medium-duty, and light-duty hydrogen fuel cell vehicle development and deployment and the infrastructure needed to support these markets. 其他活动包括燃料零售商外展, 提供教育服务, and connecting Partnership members to retail gas station owners/operators and fuel distributors to further the development of retail hydrogen fueling infrastructure.

A major role in the Partnership is the development of consensus between OEM auto/truck manufacturers, 加氢站开发商/运营商, and industrial gas suppliers on technical and operational issues critical to hydrogen infrastructure development and how these impact the FCEV customer experience. This includes developing consensus among industry stakeholders on market mechanisms that will accelerate the investment and development of hydrogen fueling infrastructure in California 以及整个美国.

我还担任氢燃料电池电动汽车行业之间的联络人, finance, 政府利益相关者, 领导能源基础设施投资界的外联和教育工作, 包括风险投资公司, angel investors, corporate investors, 以及行业投资分析师.

我是一个积极的参与者, speaker, 并联络国际贸易组织和国家, state, 以及区域能源和燃料政策组织,如NARUC, 交通能源研究所, NACS, SIGMA, CIOMA, and WPMA.

thomas valdez

Thomas I. Valdez, Ph.D., MBA

Dr. Thomas I. Valdez向位于纽约莱瑟姆的Plug Power公司的首席技术官汇报工作.  他的重点是追踪制氢技术. 托马斯在军事先进电力系统方面拥有超过30年的经验, space, underwater, 以及商业应用.  他的职业生涯始于美国宇航局著名的喷气推进实验室(JPL)。, 他是喷气推进实验室燃料电池组和动力系统组的主要贡献者.  我在喷气推进实验室工作了25年, he transitioned to Teledyne and continued to develop advanced fuel cell technologies such as what is featured in the Teledyne Subsea Supercharger®.

他的教育背景是从他的学生开始的. 杰米·埃斯卡兰特,他的教诲是好莱坞电影《足彩外围网站》的基础.  Thomas holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Materials Engineering from the University of California, Irvine.  他在Florian Mansfeld教授的指导下完成了材料科学博士学位, 电化学学会维托里奥·迪诺拉奖得主, 他在南加州大学工作.  托马斯还拥有马里兰州洛约拉大学的工商管理硕士学位.

kristi villareal

Kristi Villareal

准备在全州范围内对氢燃料电池电动汽车基础设施进行评估, 清洁氢燃料生产, 配送需要满足加州的零排放卡车, bus, 以及行政命令N-79-20中规定的越野车辆目标, as well as other state agency regulations that require or allows zero-emission heavy duty and off-road vehicles.

paul scott

Paul Scott
Chief Scientist
RockeTruck, Inc.

在他60多年的职业生涯中, 保罗已在几个领域确立了自己的杰出地位, most recently as one of the world’s foremost experts on the integration of batteries and fuel cell systems into heavy-duty trucks and buses.  While at ISE Corp. 从20世纪90年代末到2010年, 保罗领导了几代燃料电池动力公共汽车的开发, 由此产生了一些世界上最大和最成功的燃料电池公交车队.  From 2010 to 2020, Paul领导了transpwer卡车燃料电池驱动系统的开发, 从而形成了北美最大的燃料电池驱动的8级卡车车队.  在我职业生涯的早期, 保罗曾在麻省理工学院和南加州大学任教, 他是火箭推进和制导技术发展的早期先驱.  Paul received his Dr. 获得麻省理工学院航空航天工程理学学士、硕士和学士学位.

delisa leighton

DeLisa Leighton
GTL Leasing

Global executive and strategist with wide-ranging experience producing ecosystem initiatives for corporations, 政府组织, and non-profits. I am delighted to be contributing to the current wave of hydrogen and fuel cell adoption as part of the energy transformation. 我是IGX H2加油服务的创始团队成员和共同创建者, 全国首家精品高压氢气配送服务公司. 目前,我正在管理和发展GTL租赁.

GTL租赁拥有北美最大的高压运输车队, 专攻氢. 该公司支持所有燃料电池应用:固定(电信), traffic signals, 和公用事业变电站)和动机(公共汽车, car share fleets, 中型重型车辆, drones, yard trucks, planes, and maritime vessels).

cystal xie

谢晶,PE, PMP, GC
Founder & President

一个充满活力和能量的领导者, Ms Xie has over 16 years of combined cross-functional management experience in construction management, system design, project management, 以及替代能源工程. Ms. 谢在项目规划方面有专长, estimating, resource scheduling, budgeting, risk management, and close-out. Ms. 谢在代码遵从策略方面有广泛的知识, 守则及标准的发展, energy policy, 替代能源技术, 替代燃料车辆基础设施, 以及能源系统数据分析. 她在许多加州替代能源激励计划中经验丰富, 包括低碳燃料信用申请, and with building business case analyses and feasibility studies for new project development and grant proposals.

Ms. Xie started her engineering career at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and holds a BS in Aerospace Engineering, 机械工程硕士学位, and an MBA from UCLA. Ms. 谢也是一名自豪的“持久自由行动”老兵, 他曾在美国陆军预备役特种作战司令部服役8年.

Crystallogy工程 is a Class A General Contractor (License #: 1064199) and a certified Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and Women/Minority Owned Business (WMBE). 我们在这里帮助您满足您的政府合同和拨款招标需求. DUNS编号:032782486,国家供应商ID: 1803162

Crystallogy可以处理任何规模的项目, 从最初的商业案例探索到多公司, multi-agency systems. 组织使用我们的服务来简化RFP, funding, planning, acquisition, contracting, permitting, construction, commissioning, 以及替代能源项目的测试.

matteo genovese

Matteo Genovese


tiran ghukasyan

Tiran Ghukasyan
Hyzon Motors

Concept Inventor

James Ettaro博士和H2站绘图

James Ettaro,创始人,技术教授

Dr. Ettaro's vision for the facility was not only to generate sustainably-produced hydrogen but also to not rely on "off-the-shelf" technology and instead use technology that was state-of-the-art.

Contact Us

氢研究和燃料设施 (HRFF) tours are available to the public free of charge as part of Cal State LA's public outreach and education mission. 请通过电子邮件提前安排. 如有疑问请足彩外围网站, inquiries, 以及加州州立大学洛杉矶氢燃料和研究设施(HRFF)的旅游预订.
Dr. David Blekhman at [email protected] | Blake Cortis at [email protected]