Pandemic Diaries Project

Pandemic Diaries Project Header
Covid19 Pandemic
Covid-19 Pandemic Diaries Project


The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Pandemic Diaries Project, organized by the University 图书馆 Special 集合 and 档案, aims to create an archive of digital diaries that captures the narratives and experiences of our campus community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We encourage members of our campus community to document their personal experiences and contribute their diaries to the University 档案. There is no better time than the present to capture your experiences. As we endure the pandemic, we are experiencing a shift to online learning, working from home, social distancing, and self-quarantine. We are relying heavily on technology to communicate with one another, from attending lectures/meetings through ZOOM to communicating with loved ones through FaceTime.

Your digital diary will help us better understand how we as individuals and a collective community are experiencing the ongoing crisis. These materials will be preserved in the University 档案, providing future researchers with first-hand accounts of this historic event. Recording and sharing your story can prove to be a source of healing, empowerment, and solidarity.

How to Participate

To participate please download the Pandemic Diaries Packet which includes:

  1. Instructions for creating your Diary
  2. Questions to help guide your self-interview
  3. Checklist of Submission Materials
  4. Deed of Gift – PLEASE SIGN


Your Pandemic Diary Should Include:

  • A Video or Audio Recording
    • Audio or video recording no longer than 1 hour where you share what you are currently experiencing with the shifts and disruptions to our day-to-day realities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • We have provided questions and an infographic in the 项目包 to get you started.
  • 一个记录
    • To help us archive your stories, please create a transcript of your self-interview. We recommend downloading a free app called 水獭.
    • After recording, upload your audio/video file to the app and it will transcribe the recording for you. You can export the transcript in a text document and upload it with your submission. Please note we may contact you to verify some details.
  • A signed Deed of Gift 
    • Your Pandemic Diary will be donated to Special 集合 and 档案 for research. Please sign and submit this project-specific Deed of Gift to finalize your donation. 

The following file formats will be accepted:

  • Video and/or recording (MP3, MP4),
  • 成绩单(.文本文件, .医生, .多克斯)
  • The total file size limit for your submission is 1 GB


A Note about Personal Health Information:

The nature of this diary may be sensitive. Feel free to share whatever information you are comfortable sharing keeping in mind that this information may be archived and shared as described above. 然而, please be mindful to not disclose any personally identifiable or health information about another student or employee of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 - this includes information that could allow a third party to identify that person.


Download a printable copy of the 项目包 featuring these instructions.

Covid-19 Infographic
Covid-19 Infographic

Questions about Your Submission?

电子邮件我们! [email protected]


We welcome collaborations with instructors incorporating community projects and/or class assignments related to the campus community during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re interested in using the Pandemic Diary Project to help capture the experiences of your students, download and review the 教师 Submission Guidelines.

Questions about Pandemic Diary class assignments email Azalea Camacho, Archivist and Special 集合 Librarian [email protected]