
Examples of course syllabi are available below. Keep in mind that these syllabi may not always represent the way the course is currently being taught and that the content of a course may change depending on the instructor. 教学大纲 were not available for all courses.


BIOL 1010 -一般生物学


BIOL 1100 - Principles of Biology I (lecture)

BIOL 1100 - Principles of Biology I (lab)

BIOL 1200 - Principles of Biology II

生物2030 -人体解剖学 

生物学2040 -人类生理学 

BIOL 2800 - Physiology for Biomedical Engineering


BIOL 3084 - Biology of Human Aging

BIOL 3100 - General Microbiology

BIOL 3200 - Professional Writing in the Life Sciences

BIOL 3400 - Principles of Genetics

BIOL 3401 - Cell and Molecular Laboratory

生物3600 - functional生物学

BIOL 3800 - Ecology and Evolution

BIOL 4080 -  Advanced Biostatistics

BIOL 4120 -人类遗传学

BIOL 4130 - Molecular Diagnostics

BIOL 4150 - Population Genetics

BIOL 4160 - Molecular Genetics

BIOL 4170 -基因操作

BIOL 4180 - Advanced Evolutionary Biology

BIOL 4200 -全球变化

BIOL 4240 - General Embryology

BIOL 4290 -动物组织学

BIOL 4300 - Plant 生理学我

BIOL 4320 - Fundamentals of Toxicology

BIOL 4330 - Integrative Human 生理学我

BIOL 4340 - Integrative Human 生理学二世

BIOL 4350 - Neurobiology: Neuroanatomy and Development

BIOL 4360 - Neurobiology: Cellular and Molecular Physiology of the Nervous System

biol4370 -细胞信号

BIOL 4390 -内分泌学

biol4400 -植物分类学

BIOL 4450 - Bioscience Companies: From Concept to Market

BIOL 4460 - Biotechnology Applications of Cell and Molecular Biology

BIOL 4490 - Neurobiology: Development

BIOL 4500 -植物医学


BIOL 4540 - Special Lecture Topics in Biology

BIOL 4541 - Special Activity Topics in Biology

BIOL 4550 -哺乳动物

BIOL 4570 - Marine Invertebrate Zoology


BIOL 4700 - Conservation Biology


BIOL 4800 - Modeling Biological Systems

BIOL 4810 - Animal Cell Culture Theory and Technique

BIOL 4840 - Drug Discovery and Development


教学大纲 for Microbiology Courses

MICR 1010 - Introduction to Microbiology (3)
MICR 2010 - Microbiology for Health Related Sciences (3)
MICR 2020 - Microbiology Laboratory for Health Related Sciences (1)
MICR 3100 - General Microbiology (4)
MICR 3300 - Microbial Genetics (3)
MICR 3500 - Bacterial Physiology (3)
MICR 3700 - Medical Microbiology (4)
MICR 3900 - Applied and Environmental Microbiology (3)
MICR 4100 - General Virology (3)
MICR 4200 - Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases (3)
MICR 4220 - Bioterrorism and Biosecurity (3)
MICR 4300 -血液学(3)
MICR 4400 - Fungal Pathogenesis (3)
MICR 4600 - Theoretical and Applied Immunology (4)

Our last term on the quarter-based calendar was Summer 2016. 


BIOL 100A - Introductory Biology I

BIOL 100B - Introductory Biology II

BIOL 100C - Introductory Biology III

生物155 -动物生物学

BIOL 156 - Plant Biology: Plants and People


BIOL 165 - Humans and the Biological Environment 

BIOL 180 - Life Science for Elem. 老师

BIOL 181- Life Science seminar for Elem 老师

生物学200A -人体解剖学 & 生理学我 

BIOL 200B -人体解剖学 & 生理学二世 

biol300 -生物计量学

BIOL 320 - Writting for Biologists 

生物学340 -一般遗传学 

生物350 -进化

BIOL 360 -一般生态学

生物380 -细胞生物学 

BIOL 384N - Biology of Human Aging 

biol408 -高级生物计量学

BIOL 412 -人类遗传学

BIOL 413 - Molecular Diagnostics


BIOL 415 -大众遗传学 


BIOL 417 - Principles of Gene Manipulation 

生物学刊418 -进化 

生物学报420 -全球变化

BIOL 422 - Vertebrate Structure and Function 


生物学429 -组织学

BIOL 432 - Fundamentals of Toxicology

生物工程学报433 -动物生理学 


bio435 -神经生物学

BIOL 436 - Neurobiology: Neurophysiology

bio439 -内分泌学


BIOL 444 - Drug Discovery and Development

BIOL 448: Molecular Biology of the Brain

BIOL 449: Neurobiology of Development


BIOL 455:哺乳动物学

BIOL 457: Marine Invertebrate Zoology 


BIOL 470: Conservation Biology


BIOL 481: Animal Cell Culture Theory and Technique

MICR 151: Biology of Microorganisms 

MICR 200A: General Microbiology

MICR 201: Microbiology for Health Related Sciences (lec)

MICR 202: Microbiology for Health Related Sciences (lab)

MICR 300:一般微生物学

MICR 301: General Medical Microbiology 

MICR 302: Pathogenic Bacteriology

MICR 304:免疫学 & 血清学

MICR 331: Structure and Function of Bacteria


MICR 401:病毒学




Below are links to the quarter programs in the 大学目录.

Quarter 项目 Prior to Fall 2013:

Quarter 项目 from Fall 2013 to Summer 2016:

季度系统 学期制
生物100abc (5,5,5) Biol 1100 (5) + Biol 1200 (5)
生物300 (4) 生物3000 (3)
生物学320 (4) 生物学3200 (3)
Biol 340 (4) + Biol 380 (4) Biol 3400 (3) + Biol 3401 (2)
Biol 350 (4) + Biol 360 (4) 生物3800 (3)
Microbiology Course Equivalencies
Micr 300ab (4,4) Micr 3100 (4)
Micr 340 (4) Micr 3300 (3)
Micr 430 (3) + Micr 433 (2) Micr 3500 (3)
Micr 350 (5) Micr 3700 (4)
Micr 360 (5) MICR 4600(4)(选修)
Micr 370 (4) Micr 3900 (3)
数学 Course Equivalencies
数学104a(4) +数学105 (4) 数学1050 (6)
数学104a(4) +数学105 (4) 数学1081(3)+数学1085 (3)
数学204 (4) 数学2040(3)+数学2041 (1)
数学205(4)(仅限BIOL BS) 数学2050(3)+数学2051 (1)
化学 & 生物化学 Course Equivalencies
化学101、102、103 (5,5,5) 化学1100(5)+化学1110 (5)
CHEM 291AB (3, 3) + CHEM 301 (3) 化学2200(4)+化学3200 (4)
化学292a (2) 化学2201 (1)
化学431ab (3,3) 化学4300(3)(仅限MICR BS)
物理101、102、103 (4,4,4) 物理1100(4)+物理1200 (4)