
In 2017, the 心理学系 approved the following student learning outcomes for its undergraduate and graduate programs. The Department has a standing Assessment Committee which implements an ongoing assessment of the Department's activities in each of these areas.

Program Learning Goals for the B.A. 在心理学中 

Program Learning Outcome 1: Knowledge Base 在心理学中
学生 should demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, 理论观点, 历史趋势, and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems.
1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
1.2 Develop a working knowledge of psychology’s content domains
1.3 Describe applications of psychology

Program Learning Outcome 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking
The skills in this domain involve the development of scientific reasoning and problem solving, including effective research methods.
2.1 Use scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena
2.2 Demonstrate psychology information literacy
2.3 Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem solving
2.4 Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
2.5 Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry

Program Learning Outcome 3: Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World
The skills in this domain involve the development of ethically and socially responsible behaviors for professional and personal settings in a landscape that involves increasing diversity.
3.1 Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice
3.2 Build and enhance interpersonal relationships
3.3 Adopt values that build community at local, national, and global levels

Program Learning Outcome 4: Communication
学生 should demonstrate competence in writing and in oral and interpersonal communication skills.
4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
4.2 Exhibit effective presentation skills for different purposes
4.3 Interact effectively with others

Program Learning Outcome 5: Professional Development
The emphasis in this goal is on application of psychology-specific content and skills, 有效的自我反省, 项目管理技能, 团队合作技能, 以及职业准备.
5.1 Apply psychological content and skills to career goals
5.2 Exhibit self-efficacy and self-regulation
5.3 Refine 项目管理技能
5.4 Enhance teamwork capacity
5.5 Develop meaningful professional direction for life after graduation

Program Learning Goals for the M.A. 心理学和管理学.S. 法医心理学

在M结尾.A. 心理学和管理学.S. 法医心理学, students will demonstrate:

1. 理论基础: Explain and contrast important empirical and theoretical foundations of psychology, and identify unanswered questions stemming from those bodies of knowledge, with particular attention given to areas of psychology related to the thesis.
2. 研究方法: Identify and describe basic psychological research designs, and appropriately apply these designs to independent research leading to and including the thesis.
3. 统计分析: Demonstrate their knowledge of the range of analytic techniques that are used in psychology, particularly univariate and multivariate statistical techniques.
4. 交流: Communicate critical and integrative thinking both orally and in writing at a level that is appropriate for professionals in their chosen area of specialization and utilizing advanced information literacy skills.
5. Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World: Demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of human diversity and apply this knowledge to engage in ethical and socially responsible research and practice.
6. 专业能力: Cultivate their role as professionals by engaging in the relevant activities within the 心理学 Department and professional community such as presenting at research conferences, assuming graduate assistant assignments, and engaging in research training, 实习, 和/或实习.