About Graduate Study in Psychology

心理学有许多不同种类的研究生培训项目(用于获得硕士和博士学位). 有些侧重于训练你成为一个实践者(治疗师), counselor, 在应用环境中工作的学校心理学家.g.(医院、诊所、私人诊所、其他服务机构). 其他课程侧重于研究,旨在培养你成为一名大学教授,在大学环境中教授和进行研究. 一些专业的研究心理学家在大学以外的私人或公共研究机构工作. 项目的不同取决于他们提供的是硕士学位还是博士学位, 以及它们是由传统的学术机构还是“专业学校”提供的."

Master's Programs in Psychology at Cal State LA

The Master of Arts in Psychology (MA), and the Master of Science in Forensic Psychology 是以研究为基础的学位,不关注临床实践(也不会帮助你获得治疗师执照)。. 他们需要一篇论文(一个研究项目)和许多研究方法和统计方面的课程. 如果你不想成为一名大学教授,这些学位课程不适合你. 你可以在社区大学教硕士或类似的学位, 但这样的学位通常不足以获得大学教授的终身职位. 科罗拉多州立大学的许多校区都开设心理学硕士课程.

Additional Master's Programs

虽然我们在足彩外围网站不再提供这些课程, you can find similar programs at other CSU campuses.  The MFT degree (Marriage, 家庭治疗)是一个硕士学位,旨在培养你作为一个治疗师/从业者. 它不包括论文项目,而是一个综合考试. 它的目的是让你获得执业治疗师的执照. Other Master's programs in other disciplines (e.g., Master's of Science in Counseling, Master's of Social Work or MSW)也是为了培养/教育学生成为实践者/辅导员. 如果你想成为一名治疗师,这三个都是可行的选择. Master's programs in School Psychology are also available. These Master's programs are offered at many CSUs. The MS in ABA (应用行为分析)是为那些打算成为行为分析师的学生设计的, specialists, 或拥有硕士学位的顾问(通常与患有发育障碍或其他残疾的人一起工作), including autism), 对于那些计划攻读行为分析博士学位,目标是成为大学教授的人.

Going Beyond a Master’s... 

足彩外围网站的心理学系不提供这些课程, but here’s some information on them. 这可以帮助你在考虑未来的选择时设计你的论文问题.

Ph.D. Programs in Psychology

The graduate training for ANY Ph.D. in Psychology (including Clinical or Counseling Ph.D.s) is based very heavily on research. All Ph.D. 学位(无论哪个领域)都是为了训练你成为一名研究人员. 因为大多数研究人员在大学工作(大学是支持这类工作的主要机构), many Ph.D.s are college professors (including people with Ph.D.s in Clinical Psychology). Professors with Ph.D.临床心理学的工作人员有时会直接与客户/病人打交道,但很多人不会. 如果你不想成为一名研究人员和/或大学教授,博士.D. programs are not a good choice.

Ph.D. programs in psychology, especially Clinical Ph.D. programs, are EXTREMELY competitive; they can attract hundreds of applicants and often select only two or three. Clinical Ph.D. 这些项目主要对想成为研究人员的人感兴趣, 特别是大型公立和私立大学的课程.g., all of the Universities of California ). Research will always be emphasized over practice in such programs. 所以,如果你对以研究为职业不感兴趣,那么博士.D. programs are probably not the route you want to go.

Typically, Ph.D. 任何心理学领域的课程都要求GRE成绩至少达到1100分. 他们更喜欢有研究经验的申请人(直接与进行实证研究的教员一起工作)。. For Clinical/Counseling Ph.D. programs in Psychology, applied work (in a mental health, social service, educational setting) is also valued, but research experience is more strongly emphasized. 如果你没有研究经验,你就不太可能被博士录取.D. program. Ph.D. programs also require superior undergraduate grades; if your overall undergraduate GPA is under 3.5、你不太可能被博士录取.D. program in Psychology.

Professional School Doctoral Programs in Psychology

PsyD (Doctor of Psychology, as opposed to the Ph.D.(哲学博士)课程越来越受欢迎. They are much less research focused, not designed to train you as a research professor, 更多的应用(侧重于教你如何与客户/病人合作). PsyD programs (like Argosy, Alliant, etc.)非常昂贵,因为它们只由私立“专业学校”(而不是传统大学)提供。. These programs are less competitive than Ph.D. 这意味着他们每年接受更多的申请者.

There is a big difference between Ph.D. 大型大学的课程和专业学校提供的博士课程. Ph.D. 大型大学的课程涉及研究,甚至包括临床博士学位.D.s. 这些学位旨在培养你成为一名学者/研究员/教授. 学生作为研究生可能会获得资助.

At professional schools, students pay very high tuition, 并且更多地被训练为实践者而不是研究人员(尽管所有的博士.D.s require a dissertation, a research project). Ph.D.职业学校的课程是足彩外围网站成为一名实践者. Ph.D.在获得终身学术工作(大学教授的终身职位)方面,专业学校的毕业生价值较低。, 但有了这样的学位,你也许可以兼职教书. These degrees train you to be a clinician; they are well-regarded degrees in the clinical world. Ph.D.s from professional schools are very much like PsyDs.