首选名 & 代词


加州大学洛杉矶分校 recognizes that some students may wish to use a 首选名 other than their legal name to identify themselves. The university acknowledges that a 首选名 can and should be used where possible in the course of university business and education.


Use the 请求更改首选名 feature in 得到 to formally request a 首选名 be used by the University.

If approved, your 首选名 will be used:

  • 在大学目录里
  • 校园通讯
  • 在MyCalStateLA学生中心
  • 在画布中作为你的显示名称
  • 在班级名册上
  • 在你的 金鹰壹卡
  • 在报道

Note there are circumstances where the use of the legal name is required. 例如, 一些记录, 比如工资支票, 法律文件, and transcripts require use of a legal name; in such circumstances, the university is not able to use 首选名.

An approved 首选名 may be used on a diploma and in the 毕业典礼 program if requested by you on a 毕业申请, otherwise your primary (legal) name shall be used.

不恰当地使用首选名, including but not limited to misrepresentation or attempting to avoid legal obligation, 可能是拒绝请求的理由吗.

  1. 登录得到并导航到学生中心 (Main Menu > Self Service > Student Center).

  2. 个人信息 标题,点击 的名字.
    Screenshot of Student Center with 的名字 link highlighted

  3. ”的名字 选项卡下 个人信息,点击 请求更改首选名 button.
    Screenshot of 首选名s screen with 请求更改首选名 button highlighted
  4. Enter your proposed 首选名 and click the button marked 保存.
    Screenshot of 首选名 Change Request screen with 首选名 保存 button highlighted
The processing time for a 首选名 request is approximately three business days. If your request is approved you will see it being used in the 得到 Student Center. If your request is not approved you will receive an email in your CalStateLA.邮箱地址: (电子邮件保护) 说明您的请求被拒绝的原因.

A 首选名 is a name that you choose to be used in place of your legal first name in appropriate university systems. 学生 may not designate a preferred middle or last name.

Your 首选名 will appear in many places used by instructors, 顾问及支援人员包括:

  • 在大学目录里
  • 校园通讯
  • 在MyCalStateLA学生中心
  • 在画布中作为你的显示名称
  • 在班级名册上
  • 在你的 金鹰壹卡
  • 在报道

Your legal name will be used where it is required by University business or legal need such as:
  • 注册验证
  • 成绩单
  • 文凭 (unless otherwise requested on 毕业申请)
  • 财政援助和奖学金文件
  • 工资和其他财务事项
  • 任何由大学出具的法律文件
  • 联邦和州报告

To protect the University and to promote a positive campus community, 将审查请求的适当性. 首选名不能是昵称, 不能包含粗俗或不恰当的语言, nor can they be used for purposes of misrepresentation. All requests will be reviewed by the Records Office.

不,默认情况下,你的合法名字会被使用. A 首选名 is an accommodation for students who wish to be known by something other than their legal/official first name.

To submit a change of legal name, you must provide all required documentation and complete a 生物/演示更改表单.

I've got an approved Preferred Name; how do I get it on my 金鹰壹卡?
Information about card replacement can be found on the 金鹰一卡通网站.

Your legal name is the identity by which you are officially known. A court-ordered name change allows you to have a new legal name recognized by all 政府ernment agencies. To change a legal name, file a petition with the 法院 and allow up to three months for approval. 更多资料可在此查阅: http://www.courts.ca.gov/22489.htm.
Once you have received your decree making your name change official, you will need to update your name with a few agencies to avoid any confusion regarding your new name.

To change your name with the 社会保障局 (SSA) you must take your court order (decree) to an SSA office, 填写SS-5表格(可在 http://www.ssa.gov),并要求他们更改你的名字. 离校园最近的社会保障办公室是: 洛杉矶索托街215号,邮编90033.

To change your name on your California driver’s license or DMV identity card, you will need to submit a certified copy of a court-ordered name change and fill out a form DL-44. You can pick up a copy of the form at any DMV location (it is not available online). Once the form is filled out and signed, take it to the DMV and pay the fee. You will receive a temporary license with your new information. Your official license or ID will be mailed to you.
离校园最近的车管所地点是: 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶米申北路3529号.

更改您美国护照上的法定名称, you may be eligible to renew by mailing a DS-82 to the State Department. 请咨询他们的 网站 for the most up-to-date information and requirements.

  1. 登录得到并导航到学生中心 (Main Menu > Self Service > Student Center).

  2. 个人信息 标题,点击 其他个人... 下拉菜单.
    Screenshot of Student Center with 下拉菜单 highlighted
  3. Select 代词 从下拉列表中. 您将进入“更新代词”页面.
    Screenshot of Student Center with 代词 option highlighted

  4. Option 1: Select from the existing Pronoun options
    • 单击旁边的下拉列表 *代词 点击 请求更改首选名 button.
    • 从可用选项中选择排除 未列出的. 单击一个选项将自动填充 主体/客体/物主 fields and they will be greyed out -- you cannot modify these choices manually.
      Screenshot of Update 代词 screen with drop-down pronouns options visible
  5. Option 2: Type in the 代词 yourself using the 未列出的 option.
    Screenshot of Update 代词 screen with option to manually type pronouns displayed
一定要点击 保存 按钮.

Can I set or change my pronouns to whatever I want?
You can select pronouns to be used on class rosters for faculty. The University reserves the right to remove a preferred pronoun if it is inappropriate.

代词 will appear in the Student Center, the Advisor Center, and the 教师 Center Class rosters.

No. 选择代词完全是可选的. 您可以随时更改它.