

All of the tenure-track faculty in the anthropology department are actively engaged in research, 虽然不是每个人都有研究实验室. You can find out more about faculty research by looking at faculty webpages or by talking with professors. Many professors are able to incorporate undergraduate 和 graduate students into their research – just ask. Taking a research methods class is a great way to get experience doing research 和 working with professors in their areas of expertise. 许多班都使用系里的研究实验室, 但你也可以要求在那里做志愿者. 这里是该部门研究实验室的简要介绍.


Dr. Kate Sullivan创建并运营人类学媒体实验室. 民族志电影课程(ANTH 4460), offered annually during Fall semester) is a rigorous upper division undergraduate methods class, 学生参与自己的民族志研究项目, 在实验室里学习拍摄和编辑. 在媒体实验室增加了地理空间项目和软件, 学生可以从事一系列的定性, 地理空间, 以及实验室里的人种学研究和文献. ANTH 4460 ethnographic film students have produced 和 submitted ethnographic films to the annual CSU Los Angeles Golden Eagle Student Film Festival 和 the 人类学媒体实验室 has instituted its own small but growing film festival to screen our films for the people in our films, 家庭, 朋友, 我们的大学社区. 该实验室配备了计算机,并使用基于pc的当前Premier数字视频系统. 这允许扩展学生在线访问ArcGIS, Adobe软件, 以及其他一些基于个人电脑的大学订阅服务.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 凯特·沙利文 (电子邮件保护).

In 2017, 2018, 和2022年, student clubs in the 人类学系 organized CSU-wide student research conferences. 前两次是在校园里进行的,最后一次是在网上进行的. 来自科罗拉多州立大学的学生, 尤其是在我们的校园里, 在为期一天的会议上发表论文并展示他们的民族志电影. The department will continue to support student efforts to organize student research conferences.


The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 中美洲考古实地项目 is not part of the normal curriculum, but students involved in the program can receive credit for ANTH 4240: Archaeological Research Techniques after participating. 这个实地项目以前带学生去危地马拉,但现在只去墨西哥和伯利兹. 实习项目支付所有学生的差旅费和实习费用. 菲尔兹项目是由菲尔兹博士管理的. 詹姆斯·布雷迪在足彩外围网站教练梅兰妮Saldaña的支持下. 安·斯科特和艾伦·科布.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 詹姆斯·布雷迪 (电子邮件保护).

海岸考古实验室 (CAL) is a hub of academic activity for anthropology students working on undergraduate 和 graduate degrees at CSULA. Types of research conducted in the CAL include analyses of archaeological collections from the Pacific coast of North America spanning the past roughly 12,000年, 包括壳壳分析, 石器和其他人工制品分析, 利用GIS进行空间和景观分析, 复制研究:对考古文物进行实验性复制的复制研究, 考古和材料来源研究, 利用稳定同位素和各种考古资料进行古环境重建, 和 zooarchaeological analysis 和 subsistence studies including the analysis of isotopic signatures to detect dietary patterns in humans 和 other animals. 这个实验室也提供了一个积累的空间, 处理, 和 housing of an extensive zoological 和 malacological comparative collection including terrestrial 和 marine mammals, 鸟类物种, 爬行动物和两栖动物, 鱼, 和软体动物. Many of these research projects are performed in collaboration with professionals 和 students at other academic 和 professional institutions, providing 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students with contacts 和 experience participating in interdisciplinary collaborations that reach far outside this campus 和 prepare them for the next chapter of their academic 和/or professional journey. 除了, students from CAL participate in 和 lead community outreach programs at local schools 和 community events in the Los Angeles area 和 many students work part-time for local Cultural Resource Management (CRM) companies gaining valuable professional experience as they simultaneously pursue their degrees.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. Amira Ainis在 (电子邮件保护).

语言人类学实验室和社区语言中心, LADORES (语言文献与振兴空间), provides students experience with language documentation (including making 和 editing recordings), 语言的田野调查, 和 less-comm只有 taught languages 和 at the same time support language revitalization 和 maintenance efforts, providing a space for community members to document their own language 和 culture (with assistance from students) 和 for this work to be showcased 和 shared, 这是学校潜在的骄傲和知名度. 我们的目标是创造第一, 只有, 和, 毫无疑问, 是记录洛杉矶语言和文化多样性的最佳中心. Working in conjunction with the Center for the Study 和 Development of the Indigenous Languages of Oaxaca (CEDELIO), 该实验室早期的研究重点是瓦哈卡的土著语言, 创建一套标准化的视听材料,并在各种社交媒体上发布. (见 http://www.脸谱网.com/L-A-D-O-R-E-S-Language-Documentation-Revitalization-Space-191339901479124/.) The first two languages covered by LADORES are Tsome (Highl和 Chontal as spoken in Santo Domingo Chontecomatlan) 和 Ñuu Saavi (Mixteco de San Juan Mixtepec) 和 we have since exp和ed to Lowl和 Chontal of Oaxaca. 另外, 学生们利用实验室的设备完成了自己的项目, 包括与博士合作. Sonnenschein on a dialect survey conducted in 2016 和 thesis work on the ethnolinguistic documentation of the patron saint’s day festival of San Lucas Quiavini.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. Aaron Sonnenschein (电子邮件保护).

中美洲考古实验室(MAL)成立于2010年夏天. 詹姆斯·布雷迪. The 中美洲考古实验室 houses a number of noteworthy collections 和 resources. 这些包括:Naj Tunich陶瓷类型收藏, Naj Tunich的骨骼收藏, 午夜恐怖洞穴神器收藏, 危地马拉大使馆陶瓷收藏, 威廉·拜伦收藏的西墨西哥书籍和文物, H.B. 尼科尔森纪念图书馆.B. 尼科尔森文章档案馆,H.B. 尼科尔森幻灯片档案,以及中美洲地图档案. 除了, 实验室里有弗雷德·莱茵曼从关岛收集的文物, 以及西南部文物的收藏.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 詹姆斯·布雷迪 (电子邮件保护).

Dr. Joyce Parga’s 灵长类遗传学实验室 at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 specializes in the extraction 和 analysis of 非人灵长类动物 DNA. 本实验室的学生将获得DNA提取等操作规程的实践经验, 聚合酶链反应, 凝胶电泳. The molecular data generated are used in conjunction with behavioral data to investigate topics that broadly span reproduction, 性选择, 以及群体遗传学. 这个实验室的所有学生都由Dr. 帕尔加,并有机会协助正在进行的研究项目博士. 或者可以进行自己的独立研究项目. 学生 in this lab have worked with biological samples collected from wild lemurs in Madagascar as well as lemurs maintained in a primate colony located on St. 凯瑟琳岛(美国乔治亚州).

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 乔伊斯·帕尔加 (电子邮件保护).

The 骨骼生物学实验室 provides a collaborative learning 和 research workspace for graduate 和 undergraduate anthropology students interested in exploring the interactions between the environment 和 human skeletal adaptation 和 variation. 本实验室的研究重点是骨骼生物力学和骨骼功能形态学, 骨骼生长发育, 以及骨骼形态变异的生态地理格局. 实验室配备了标准的骨测量设备, 3D扫描仪, 以及装有各种计算机辅助设计软件的计算机。, 图像处理, 统计分析. There are opportunities for graduate 和 advanced undergraduate students to conduct research using 3D modeling, 数字放射显影术, 还有更传统的骨测量方法.

骨骼生物学实验室也有一个大的, 高品质铸集现代人类, 非人灵长类动物, 似人类的化石, 以及其他脊椎动物标本. 此外,还有几个医疗质量的、真人大小的完整人类骨骼模型. These casts 和 models serve as part of the continuously growing comparative osteological collection in the 人类学系 和 are used in several courses as well as for independent study. 实验室里有专门的空间供研究生办公, 供学生团体举行会议, 让学生们聚在一起学习和同伴指导.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 米歇尔·布鲁兹报道 (电子邮件保护).