Graduate Program

[Website Update In Progress, June 2024]

Master of Science Degree in Physics

Our department offers a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Physics for students interested in employment in industry, government, community college teaching, and/or Ph.D. programs in physics, astronomy, and related fields. We have both a Research Option and a Course Option depending on your desired path.

[Content Update In Progress, June 2024]

University Catalog Details*

* Please note the 2024-2025 University Catalog link may open slowly and contains certain out-of-date information regarding the Department Faculty.

Physics Masters Degree Course Roadmap

Graduate Physics Courses

In addition to the 5000-level graduate courses linked above, all 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements, subject to limits established by the department and approval of the graduate adviser. These courses include the following:

4000-Level Astronomy Courses

4000-Level Physics Courses

[Content Update In Progress, June 2024]