
除了下面的机会, the department regularly sends announcements about new internships via email to the entire enrolled POLS student body. 学生 are also encouraged to directly contact elected officeholders (including members of Congress) at their local offices to request information about internship opportunities. 要想了解其他机会,请加入 帆布课程由国家提供 & 国际奖学金和奖学金计划(NISFeP)

年度奖项:詹姆斯·R. 帕特·布朗研究所的加尔布雷斯奖学金

詹姆斯·R. 加尔布雷斯奖学金 is a local public policy internship under the supervision of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs. 10周, 本科生和研究生被分在一个政治班, 商业或社区工作场所, where they learn more about the public policy implementation process. Past internship placements include the Office of California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, 州参议员鲍勃·赫夫的办公室, 州参议员罗梅罗的办公室, 以及国会议员希尔达·索利斯的办公室. 学生 complete the program with a better understanding of how public policies are formed and carried out, 以及政策如何影响当地社区. Fellows are selected on the basis of academic competence as well as demonstrated interest in public policy. Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time as a student at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and possess a minimum 3.0的绩点. 选拔过程在每年秋季学期开始. 下载应用程序

Offered Annually: Los Angeles Superior Court Judicial Internship

的 Los Angeles Superior Court Judicial Internship is a unique program that has served 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students for over three decades. Each year a limited number of highly motivated seniors in any undergraduate major are selected to participate in an internship program conducted by several Los Angeles Superior Court judges. Judicial interns are assigned to a different judge/mentor each term, 在刑事和民事法庭之间交替进行. Interns gain first-hand familiarity with numerous aspects of the judicial process by observing trials, 箱内的会议, 和其他法律程序. 通过与评委/导师的讨论, interns gain critical insights into the adversarial system and are exposed to differing jurisprudential perspectives.  联系 教授. 马丁Adamian 欲知详情及申请.


Administered by CSU Sacramento, but open to graduates of any 4-year university, the 资本研究员计划 由18名大会研究员组成, 18名参议院院士, 18名行政研究员, and 10 Judicial Administration Fellows who receive an outstanding opportunity to engage in public service and prepare for future careers, while actively contributing to the development and implementation of public policy in California. 每个项目的研究员工作10-11个月, 享受健康福利和每月津贴, 并拥有萨克拉门托州立大学的雇员身份. 这些研究员是立法机构的全职成员, 执行, 或司法分支机构, and are typically given assignments with a significant amount of responsibility and challenges. Fellows also enroll as graduate students at Sacramento State and receive graduate units from the Sacramento State Government Department or Public Policy and Administration Program.  报名费由项目支付.

Application deadlines for the Capital Fellows Program are in early February of each year. 一般申请信息可在 资本研究员计划网站. 学生 who seek to apply should contact a professor in the 政治科学 Department for further advice. 此外,学生应联系 足彩外围网站国家奖学金办公室 如需进一步协助.


每年秋天,帕内塔学院都会接待学生 国会实习计划 从8月中旬开始到11月中旬. 的 semester-long public service experience was created by Leon Panetta and is sponsored by the Panetta Institute.  Today, it is considered one of the finest congressional intern programs in the nation.  Following two weeks of classes at the Institute, twenty-five students travel to Washington, D.C. 的y will serve eleven weeks as interns in the United States House of Representatives, 在共和党和民主党议员的办公室里. 学生 are nominated by university presidents from the California State University campuses. Each intern is selected based on an exemplary scholastic record as well as interest in politics, 政策及公共服务.  In order to ensure that merit is the determining factor for participation, the Panetta Institute covers all expenses associated with the program including tuition, 机票, 住宿及生活费补助. 的 Institute’s financial support allows students from all socio-economic backgrounds to participate. 这是一位足彩外围网站学生的故事

学生 who seek to apply should contact a professor in the 政治科学 Department for further advice. 的 application deadline is usually in fall, to start in the following fall. 此外,学生应联系 足彩外围网站国家奖学金办公室 如需进一步协助.

Offered Annually: "Cal State DC Scholars" Program in Washington, D.C.

加州州立大学洛杉矶政治科学系支持 加州州立大学DC学者计划 由基社盟富勒顿政治科学系管理. 该计划的描述如下:“自2006年以来, the Cal State DC program has offered students opportunities to study and intern in our nation's capital. Through our program, students enroll in full-time academic units while interning in Washington. 实习可以在国会办公室进行, 执行机构, 博物馆, 安全公司, 商业团体, 政党, 游说团体, 非营利组织, 以及华盛顿及其周边地区的其他各种办公室, D.C. Juniors, seniors, and graduate students from all majors and CSU campuses are encouraged to apply.  的 program is neither partisan nor ideological and welcomes students from all political persuasions." 

For the summer program, students will enroll in two courses through CSU Fullerton Extended Education. Credit for "POSC 402: Cal State DC" at Fullerton can be transferred to CSULA to give students credit for "POLS 4000: Power and Policy in Washington: Congress and the President" and credit for "HUM 496: Internship" can provide CSULA credit for "POLS 3950: Community Service in 政治科学.“因此, 学生可以从这段经历中总共获得六个学分, with the three for POLS 4000 directly applicable as a POLS elective and the three for POLS 3950 applicable towards the total CSULA graduation unit requirements of 180 units. 学生可直接透过 加州州立大学学者网站 but should notify the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 政治科学 Department Chair in advance. 
