
的 Master of Arts 在社会学 provides 30 units of advanced work in the theory and methods of social research. 的 program offers a comprehensive study of general sociology, preparing students for doctoral programs, 研究与政策, teaching at the community college level, and careers in social services or government agencies. 学生 can tailor the program to suit individual interests by working with 我们优秀的师资队伍 in their areas of specialty.

student sitting at a table smiling at another student


足彩外围网站社会学, you’ll be among a tight-knit cohort of student colleagues who are passionate about social analysis and social change. 小班授课, 混合动力/在线课程, and evening classes allow for flexible and collaborative work with faculty and fellow students. Our location in the diverse, global city of Los Angeles provides a dynamic social laboratory for you to explore your research questions and to seek post-graduate and professional opportunities.


学生 interested in the M.A. program can apply through the 招生办公室.  的 社会学 Department does not require any other materials than those submitted through the university admissions process. 学生 will be accepted until the deadlines established by the University for Fall term admissions.

的 社会学 Department has two admissions requirements in addition to university requirements:

  1. GPA 3.0 or better in a set of 8 specified prerequisite courses or their equivalents (SOC 2010; SOC 2100; SOC 3100; either SOC 3900 or SOC 3910; SOC 4120; and the four most recently completed upper-division sociology elective courses, excluding Independent Supervision courses.)
  1. GPA 2.75 or above in an additional 24 semester units of upper-division undergraduate coursework. If more than 24 additional upper-division semester units of coursework have been completed, those courses least relevant to the 社会学 MA Program will be omitted from the GPA calculation.

M.A. 在社会学 requires 30 units, with at least 27 units in 5000-level courses. 学生还可以选择 Culminating Experience Option:选项A (论文)、方案B (综合考试),或选择3 (投资组合项目). Units are distributed as follows.

Required Core Courses (18 units):

SOC 5000 - Introduction to Graduate Studies, the Discipline, and the Profession
SOC 5010 - Qualitative 研究 Methods 在社会学
SOC 5011 - Quantitative 研究 Methods 在社会学
SOC 5012 - Advanced Statistics
SOC 5020 - Seminar: Classical Sociological 的ory

Elective Courses (7-9 units)

  • 6 units of 5000-level 社会学 courses specifically designated as seminars:

SOC 5220 - Social 心理学
SOC 5260 - 社会学 of Deviant Behavior
SOC 5400 - Partnership, Marriage, and Families
SOC 5410 - Gender and Labor
SOC 5440 - Organizations, Work, and Social Change
SOC 5600 - Race, Ethnicity, Power, and Justice
SOC 5800 -犯罪学
SOC 5890 - Secondary Data Analysis
SOC 5900 - Special Topics 在社会学
SOC 5930 - Teaching 社会学 at the College Level

  • Option A and Option C students take at least one additional elective unit that may include but is not restricted to an additional seminar. Option B students must take 3 additional elective units that may include but are not restricted to an additional seminar. (参考课程表2).

Culminating Experience (3-5 units):

  • 全新的M.A. students entering the program are automatically registered under Option B: Comprehensive Examination. 学生 who successfully achieve candidacy may elect to change to Option A, 继续选择B, 或改为选项C, at their discretion and in accordance with college and department policy.
  • Requirements for each Option are outlined in the 大学目录.

M.A. 程序清单

我们鼓励M.A. students to develop their research and teaching capacities by pursuing directed and independent research,展示他们的作品 local, regional, and national conferences, editing and publishing in our 学生在线期刊, and serving as teaching assistants in undergraduate courses (SOC 5930; SOC 5940).

学生 expand their record of scholarly and teaching activity while exploring whether they wish to pursue doctoral studies, 研究领域的职业, and/or teaching in a university or community college setting.

博士大头照. 克里斯汀Discola

M.A. Program Contact Information

Dr. 克里斯汀Discola

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