
的 中心和研究所 are Presidentially Chartered research, 奖学金, 创造性活动项目为学生提供参与教师指导的研究的机会. Should you not see a program matching your specific interests, reach out to your department or a 教师 member for advice as other programs may be available.


埃德蒙·G. 足彩外围网站的“帕特”布朗公共事务研究所(PBI)致力于“释放参与的力量”.” PBI programs motivate young people to be engaged in their communities; raise awareness about timely policy issues; bring public officials closer to their constituents; and support 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s mission to serve as an anchor institution for the region. As a university-based center, research informs all PBIs initiatives.


我们的使命是通过为大学生创造机会,在现实生活中运用课堂理论,促进社区服务学习. 通过社区服务, EPIC inspires and enables university 学生 to realize their full potential as productive, 通过在洛杉矶地区广泛的社区服务的各种机构中志愿服务,成为负责任和有爱心的公民.

Launched in 2016 with support from 的 Opportunity Institute’s Renewing Communities Initiative, President Barack Obama’s Second Chance Pell federal pilot program, 以及后来的安德鲁W. 梅隆基金会, the Initiative is the first in California to launch an in-person BA Program, 并与兰开斯特的加州州立监狱和加州惩教与康复部合作

Assists formerly incarcerated individuals seeking to enroll at Cal State L.A. 作为校园服务和项目以及社区组织的联络人和倡导者,提供支持. Offering resources and connections with supportive entities, 反弹计划致力于帮助学生满足他们的基本需求,使学生集中精力学习,实现教育和个人赋权.

 Visit the 参与、服务和公益中心


以及呈现事件和创建事件, 促进和激发来自不同文化背景和不同体裁方法的诗歌声音, the 当代诗歌与诗学中心 serves as a vehicle to bring together scholars, 学生, 诗人与市民建立牢固的联系,通过诗歌这一充满活力的载体与社会及其他学术文化伙伴共同服务, 尽可能有效和有创造性, 我们多元文化的参与者.

Learn More about the 当代诗歌与诗学中心

Established in 1975 to sponsor Japan-related programs; promote interchange and exchange among scholars, 学生, and the community; and serve as a resource and information clearinghouse for persons interested in increasing their knowledge and understanding of Japan, 日本研究中心旨在成为现代语言文学系日本项目的附属机构.


性别和性行为研究中心 is a university-wide, interdisciplinary center housed in the 文学艺术学院.  的 Mission of the CSGS is to provide support for scholars, 老师, 学生, and community partners who investigate gender and sexuality at the intersections of race, class, 宗教, 能力, 和国家, in particular work that bridges the diverse communities represented at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and its surrounding community. 我们认为,授权和社会相关的知识是通过学者之间密切的跨学科合作最有效地产生的, 学生, 社区成员, 无论是校内还是校外.


加强和保护中华文化和历史, 中国研究中心的重点是历史, culture and the role of 文化 Chinese peoples in the United States. 该中心是非政治性和非宗派主义的, 因此, 欢迎所有中国人,不论其政治或宗教信仰,以及所有学者的参与, 艺术家, 教师, 学生, 社区成员 who share an interest in Chinese studies regardless of their ethnic or 文化 origins.


的 互动艺术,研究和技术研究所 (InArt) is home to an interdisciplinary institute--involving the Departments of Film, 电视, 及传媒研究, 沟通研究, 计算机科学, 电气与计算机工程, 美术, 戏剧艺术, 管理, 政治科学, 泛非洲研究, 墨西哥裔和拉丁裔研究系, 戏剧艺术, and the 性别和性行为研究中心--at the California States University, 将艺术研究和批判性制作与数字叙事和批判性游戏设计结合起来. 教师, 学生, 美工们紧密合作,共同创造全新的媒体内容和数字故事:游戏, 空间故事设计中的实验, improv-based剧院, 360°的叙述, 虚拟现实体验, 应用程序, and narrative in social media in the broadest possible sense.


  • 作为跨学科合作的框架,以及从根本上重新想象它的意义的催化剂
    share and tell stories in both a 文化 and an institutional context
  • expands the field of interactive media and creates not only new content, 以及包容和合作的新方式, 还有新的市场, 受众和可持续的对抗机构
  • 与创意产业合作, 与非营利组织合作, 和社区发展故事和
    application that respond to contradictions and needs of the 21st century



的 亚太工商学会 aims to support and foster cooperative relationships between local business organizations and the 工商经济学院 focusing on Asian Pacific countries and the collection and dissemination of information about research and consulting opportunities; organizing 教师 and student exchanges with academic institutes in this region; and internships for business 学生 to expand career opportunities.


的 mission of the Center for Entrepreneurship is to inspire and empower the entrepreneurial spirit of Cal State L.A. 学生, 教师, 加速社会向上流动,深化创新对洛杉矶地区服务不足社区的经济影响. 的 Center believes in the power of bold ideas; pride in its 能力 to help foster those ideas, 以及创造它们的人.


Established in May 2016 to embrace opportunities and challenges in the developing field, 物流与供应链管理中心(LCSCM)为学生提供这一领域的最新知识, 商业从业者以及社区利益相关者, and aims to serve as a prepared source providing interdisciplinary, 在洛杉矶地铁有效的LCSM解决方案.

Visit the 物流与供应链管理中心


在特殊教育和咨询司, 卓越早期干预和低发病率残疾中心创建了一个示范项目,重点培训具有卓越标准的早期干预专业人员,为有特殊需要的幼儿提供服务, and youth learners with low incidence disabilities and their families.

Explore the Center for Excellence in Early Intervention and Low Incidence Disabilities

Specific goals and objectives of the 多元文化教育中心 is to provide in-service training for 教师 and staff; preservice training to 学生 about issues related to 文化 pluralism, 多样性和多元文化教育. 另外, 该中心向寻求将更大程度的多元文化主义融入其课程的教师提供帮助.



锡兰可持续和智能基础设施中心(锡兰SITI中心)的使命是支持多学科研究的进步, 教育 and professional development focusing on urban sustain能力.



Utilizing applied research and interdisciplinary 教育, the mission of the 应用老年学研究所 (AGI) is to provide 学生, 专业人士, 非专业人员, and community agency personnel curriculum and applied research focusing on aging; how to reduce health, social and economic disparities in our communities among the older adult population and their families.


加州法医科学研究所致力于通过一个多学科项目,重点研究发展法医科学的进步, 专业培训, 足彩外围网站, 社区参与. 的 institute also partners with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Scientific Services Bureau and the Los Angeles Police Department, 法证科学部.


Under the umbrella of the School of Health and Human Services, 虐待儿童及家庭暴力研究所通过提供跨学科教育,促进有效预防和干预虐待儿童及家庭暴力, 为学生提供培训和最先进的资源, 专业人士和社会.



成立于1991年,作为足彩外围网站的校长规划项目,作为校园资源,吸引周围的亚洲和亚裔美国人社区, the 亚洲和亚裔美国人研究所 in the heart of Los Angeles and its proximity to the Pacific Rim, the institute fosters strong relationships with the Asian community in business, 教育, 文化, 以及亚洲本地和海外的政治机构.


Dedicated to serving as a focal point of Korean American and Korean studies in the Los Angeles area, the 韩裔美国人和韩国研究中心 (CKAKS), 成立于1979年, was to 协调 studies on Korean culture and tradition, to compile data on the Korean-American community and its activities, to systematically analyze and document the achievements and problems of the Korean-American community, and to develop bi-文化 curriculum materials on Koreans and Korean 文化 traditions. CKAKS的主要目标是促进, 协调, and conduct research and publication activities related to Korean-American and Korean studies; to sponsor conferences, 研讨会, symposia and exhibits; and to serve as a 文化 resource and research center for the local community.

Explore the 韩裔美国人和韩国研究中心

城市生态中心的使命, housed within 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s 自然与社会科学学院 (NSS), is to support the advancement of transdisciplinary research, 教育, 以及注重可持续发展的专业发展, 公平的, 公平的经济驱动力, 土地利用惯例, 以及公共政策.
