

The Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, 创意活动将于3月8日在加州州立大学洛杉矶校区举行, 2024.

本次研讨会面向在校本科生和研究生开放,参加学术研究或创造性活动, including term projects and independent study endeavors. 参与者可以做一个10分钟的口头陈述,也可以展示一张海报. See Symposium Details below for more information.

Gamma Epsilon分会将颁发Phi Kappa Phi奖给第一名, second-, and third-place winners, 在即将到来的第38届加州州立大学学生研究竞赛中,代表足彩外围网站的前10名演讲.

View the 2024 Student Symposium Program for the day's activities.

Important Dates and Deadlines


Applications open:
Monday, November  6, 2023
Applications due:
Friday, February 2, 2024, by 11:59 p.m. PST
Friday, March 8, 2024
University-Student Union and Golden Eagle Ballrooms

Required Application Materials

  • Presenters must upload an Abstract and the Approval Page Form to the online applications.
  • 计划展示涉及人类受试者的研究的学生必须获得IRB对所展示研究的批准.
  • 进行涉及动物研究的学生必须获得IACUC的批准.

如果被选为加州州立大学洛杉矶代表参加CSU比赛, you will be required to submit a research summary.


All presenters 必须提交最多200字的一段研究摘要吗. Due to the competitive nature of the selection process, abstracts should be written for a general audience. 不要重复使用摘要,也不要使用为专门的技术会议或学科协会会议撰写和提交的摘要所使用的相同风格.

Please use the following format:

 Overall document:
• Microsoft Word
• Save as, “Last name, First name Abstract"
• Single-spaced
• Arial font

 Heading Formatting Requirements:
• Align left
• Student name (first name last name), bold, 12-pt. font
• Title of presentation, italics, 10-pt. font
• Faculty mentor(s), regular, 10-pt. font

 Abstract Formatting Requirements:
• 10-pt. font
• One-inch margins
• Align justified

Review examples on how to format your abstract. 


Approval Page Form

Learn more about using AdobeSign

Symposium Details


  • 目前就读于足彩外围网站本科生或研究生
  • 足彩外围网站的应届毕业生他们在前一年的春季获得了学位, summer, or fall term

所有从事严谨研究、学术或创造性活动的学生都可以参加.  Class projects or equivalents, project proposals, 对于尚未收集到数据的项目,建议以海报形式展示.

学生可以两种方式参加大学研讨会:作10分钟的口头报告或展示海报. 随后的全州竞赛仅限于口头陈述.  请注意,海报展示可以以适合记录学科的方式进行解释, such as video and musical recordings and slides, as well as posters. 往届的获奖者来自代表所有七所学院的各个院系.


  • Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • Biological and Agricultural Sciences
  • Business, Economics, and Public Administration
  • Creative Arts and Design
  • Education
  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • Health, Nutrition, and Clinical Sciences
  • Humanities and Letters
  • Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Applicants must use Cal State LA Credentials to apply.


  1. Go to 足彩外围网站申请和竞争资助.
  2. Click on Login in the upper right-hand corner. 
  3. Click on the blue button that says "Cal State LA Login" and log in using your Cal State LA credentials.
  4. On the top menu, click on the Calendar Tab. 
  5. On the right-hand side click on "List View" to find the application.
  6. Complete the application form.


Presentations from all disciplines are invited. The nine categories are:

  • Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • Biological and Agricultural Sciences
  • Business, Economics, and Public Administration
  • Creative Arts and Design
  • Education
  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • Health, Nutrition, and Clinical Sciences
  • Humanities and Letters
  • Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Each participant is limited to one presentation as the lead presenter.
Proprietary research is excluded.
指导委员会保留合并或细分上述类别的权利, move an entrant from one category to another, or move a presentation to a poster session.

Presentation Procedures

学生口头演讲者将在观众和陪审团面前发表演讲. They will compete by discipline category. 每位学生将有10分钟的时间做陈述,3分钟的时间回答评委和观众的问题. Standard forms of audiovisual equipment (e.g., PowerPoint program and projector) may be used. 创意艺术及设计组别的参赛者可提交其表演或创作的录音及/或影像纪录; their oral presentation should focus on the rationale and historical context underlying their interpretation of the material.  

Class projects or equivalents, project proposals, 对于尚未收集到数据的项目,建议以海报形式展示.


  • Clarity of purpose
  • Appropriateness of methodology
  • Interpretation of results
  • Value of the research or creative activity
  • 陈述者对研究或创造性活动的清晰表达能力
  • Organization of the material presented
  • 主持人处理评委和观众提问的能力

评委将在每个学科类别中选出至少一名优秀的演讲者. 总排名前10的演讲将被选出参加春季学期的全州比赛. 此外,Phi Kappa Phi的Gamma Epsilon分会将为三位获奖者颁发奖项.

学生海报展示者将把他们的海报张贴在提供给他们使用的3.5 ' x 5 '海报板和画架上.  At minimum, 在指定的时间内,必须有一名作者站在海报旁边,以回答评委和其他观众的询问.  任何需要电源插座的额外设备必须事先安排好.   评委将在每个学科类别中选出一幅优秀的海报.


  • Legibility of material on poster
  • Organization of poster
  • Sufficient background information
  • Stated objective and/or hypothesis
  • Appropriateness of methodology
  • Clarity of results
  • Stated summary and/or conclusion
  • Contribution to the field
  • Effective and engaging presentation
  • 主持人处理评委和观众提问的能力





student in front of his poster presentation




student discussing her poster presentation with attendee

Participant Recognition

2024 Student Symposium Winners

Student Symposium Awards

我们的评审团将颁发Phi Kappa Phi奖的Gamma Epsilon分会, second, and third place.
The top 10 presentations will represent Cal State LA in the Annual CSU Student Research Competition.

CSU Systemwide Student Research Competition

two students participating on teh CSU conference

一年一度的活动汇集了来自科罗拉多州立大学23个校区的学者. 竞赛展示了本科生和研究生的研究成果, scholarship, 通过表彰学生的杰出成就来进行创造性工作. 参加科罗拉多州立大学学生研究竞赛的学生可以获得第一名500美元和第二名250美元的奖励.