Student Research Opportunities

Undergraduate Studies   Graduate-Studies

有机会在本科生阶段进行研究是足彩外围网站的一项长期传统,也是学生体验的一部分. 许多教师为学生提供参与教师指导的研究的机会,也有具体的计划来支持和指导学生的研究经验. The lists below are some current research, scholarship, 以及教师为学生提供的创造性活动机会和项目. 还有其他通过大学、学院和个别教员提供的. 如果你没有看到符合你特定兴趣的项目或机会, you can reach out to a faculty member for advice and opportunities.

The Hertzberg-Davis Forensic Science Center is the largest municipal/regional forensic science laboratory in the country. 加州法医科学研究所致力于通过一个多学科项目,重点研究发展法医科学的进步, professional training, student support, and community engagement. 赫茨伯格-戴维斯中心也是洛杉矶治安部门的所在地, Scientific Services Bureau and the Los Angeles Police Department, Forensic Science Division. 

The Center for Contemporary Poetry and Poetics presents events and events to promote the full range of poetic voices from diverse cultural backgrounds and approaches to the genre; Promoting appreciation and understanding of contemporary poetry and poetics in a wide array of forms and styles; Encouraging research and preservation in contemporary poetry and poetics and stimulating the creation of new poetry By creating a forum for discussion, celebration, reading and performance of poetry. 当代诗歌和诗学中心是汇集学者的媒介, students, poets and the public for purposes of, establishing strong links with the community and other academic and cultural partners through the dynamic vehicle of poetry; Providing programming that is expansive, 包容性和最高质量,尽可能有效和创造性地为我们多样化和多元文化的参与者提供服务.

The Center for Entrepreneurship的使命是激发足彩外围网站学生的创业精神, faculty, 为了加速社会向上流动和深化创新对我们服务不足社区的经济影响. Our Center believes in the power of bold ideas; we pride ourselves in our ability to help those ideas, and the people who come up with them, thrive.

The Centers for the Study of Genders and Sexualities 艺术与文学学院有一个全校范围的跨学科中心吗.  CSGS的使命是在种族的交叉点促进性别和性方面的前沿研究和奖学金, class, religion, ability, and nation. 我们认为,授权和社会相关的知识是通过学者之间密切的跨学科合作最有效地产生的, students, and community members, both on and off campus.

The Center for Energy and Sustainability 涉及来自足彩外围网站8个跨学科部门的9名教员,他们在3个研究重点领域领导工作. Several projects address short-term mitigations of current energy concerns, 一些项目着眼于摆脱对碳基能源依赖的长期目标.

The mission of the Chin Family Institute for Nursing is the advancement of nursing education, advocacy, leadership and action. The Chin Family Institute for Nursing at California State University, 洛杉矶将成为卓越护理中心,重点是照顾不同的人, underserved urban populations. 护理和卫生保健领域的领袖们将参观中国家庭护理研究所和帕特丽夏·A. 中国护理学院作为城市卫生研究和培训的主要来源. 将强调《足彩外围网站》鼓励预防疾病和治疗整个人的原则.

The CSULA-PSU PREM 是否采用协同和跨学科的方法来开展材料科学与工程研究和教育活动.  Oscar Bernal (CSULA) and Vincent Crespi (PSU), 以及10名CSULA和7名PSU具有化学背景的科学家和工程师, physics, mechanical engineering, 材料科学与工程是材料科学与工程领域的基础研究项目.

The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship program is the centerpiece of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s 促进高等院校师资队伍多元化的举措. Established in 1988 by William G. Bowen, then the president of the Foundation, and Mellon program associate Henry Drewry, the MMUF program began with an initial cohort of eight member institutions. Each year, 四名新的MMUF研究员将从即将升班班(大二最后一个学期)的申请者中选出.)这些新入选的研究员加入了之前入选的即将升入和即将毕业的资深研究员的行列, 在他们准备进入博士课程并最终成为学者和教职员工的过程中,为他们提供指导和经济支持.

The mission of the Minority Opportunities in Research (MORE) Programs at California State University, 洛杉矶将为美国的科研事业提供少数群体成员的创造力和智力.

The Mobility Center 是一个以服务学习为基础的治疗性运动项目位于足彩外围网站. Our students gain real-world, 与东洛杉矶社区及其他地区的客户合作的实践经验.

The NASA DIRECT-STEM Program has an overarching goal of recruiting highly competitive, historically under-represented students, 让他们在科学计算和数据分析方面获得NASA的直接研究经验, and inspiring them to become future leaders in STEM-related professions.

The PACE Center includes labs, clinics, and outreach programs.

运动机能学教师从事一系列令人兴奋的项目和混合教学, research, and community service. The goal is to enhance quality of life by encouraging physical activity, 以及通过研究来证明这些努力的有效性. Student involvement in these projects is welcome.