

可以找到有关学生学业状况的完整信息 在大学目录中.

本科班级水平 Undergraduate students are classified according to the number of semester units of baccalaureate-level course work they have completed, 计算方法如下:

部门 类级别 完成单位
较低的部门 大一新生 0-29
二年级学生 30-59
上师 初级 60-89
高级 90+




The recommended normal full-time undergraduate study load is 15 semester units. 学生 earning a C average or better may register for 18 semester units with department/division/school approval. Authorization for more than 18 units requires prior approval of an advisor 和 the department/division chair or school director. 学生 on academic status must limit their study loads to 12 semester units or fewer. A student on academic status may petition the University for a greater study load with the approval of an academic advisor 和 department/division chair or school director.

For full-time enrollment certification by the University graduate students must carry a unit load of 8 units of approved prerequisite, 并修课程, 或者研究生课程. Upon recommendation of a student's major department/division/school 和 approval by the appropriate college dean, a student enrolled in any of the following department/division/school courses may be certified as full-time with fewer than 8 units: 5960, 5970, 5990, 5995, 6990. The maximum unit load for students working towards a graduate degree is 16 units per semester. Authorization to enroll in more than 16 units requires a petition approved by the student's major department/division chair or school director 和 the appropriate college dean.

(参见教师手册 了解更多信息)


在某些情况下, up to two semesters or 三个 quarters of previous undergraduate course work taken at any college may be disregarded from all consideration associated with requirements for the baccalaureate. Neither subject nor unit credit for work taken during the disregarded term(s), 即使令人满意, 可以申请学士学位要求吗. 详细资料如下:

  • 5 years must have elapsed since completion of the most recent work to be disregarded;
  • Any previous removal of work from degree consideration must be included in applying the limits on work that may be disregarded;
  • 工作完成后不予理睬, students must have maintained at least the following grade point average (平均绩点) at Cal State L. A. 在请愿时:
    单位完成 平均绩点
    14-29 3.0
    30-44 2.5
    45+ 2.0
  • 学生必须提供单元证明 在附加条款中 不经批准就必须毕业吗.

A Student may file an academic renewal petition with a 平均绩点 lower than C (2.0)通识教育(GE), the major or overall college units attempted (a condition that is preventing them from qualifying for the degree) 和 meet all above criteria 和 conditions.


请参考 教员手册 查阅有关复读课程的最新资料.


Per Executive Order 1037, undergraduate students may withdraw from no more than 18 semester units. 2016年秋季之前的提款, 单位将被转换并显示为其学期等值.


本科生必须保持 C (2.0) average in all courses attempted at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 和 any other college or university attended 和 to make 令人满意的进展 toward their academic objectives. 学生 who receive financial aid should consult Student Financial 援助 about additional criteria that may define 令人满意的进展.


The 平均绩点 is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of units attempted. 每个单元的课程作业都有相应的分数. CRNC 成绩不包括在平均绩点计算中.

年级 级描述 提高工作质量 获得的质量积分 增加工作时间 生效日期
A 优越的 是的 4 是的  
A- 杰出的 是的 3.7 是的  
B+ 很好 是的 3.3 是的  
B 是的 3 是的  
B- 高于平均水平 是的 2.7 是的  
C+ 高于平均水平 是的 2.3 是的  
C 平均 是的 2 是的  
C- 低于平均水平 是的 1.7 是的  
D+ 是的 1.3 是的  
D 可怜的 是的 1 是的  
D- 勉强及格 是的 0.7 是的  
F 不合格 是的 0 No  
U 未经授权不完整 是的 0 No 求和1967 -求和2002
WU 退出不完整 是的 0 No 2002年秋季
IN 不完整的 No 0 No 求和1967 -求和2002
I 不完整的授权 No 0 No 2002年秋季
I 过期不完整 是的 0 No 求和1967 -求和2002
IC 不完整的指控 是的 0 No 2002年秋季
SP 令人满意的进展 No 0 No 求和1967 -求和2002
RP 正在进行的报告 No 0 No 2002年秋季
W 撤销 No 0 No  
CR 信贷 No 0 是的  
NC 没有信用 No 0 No  
RD 报告推迟了 No 0 No  


  • 赢得了时间:可获得学分的学时,但可能包含也可能不包含绩点
  • 尝试过小时:成绩点值的尝试时数
  • 每门课程的奖励乘以成绩的分值.
  • 平均绩点(平均绩点) 是由尝试除以点数决定的吗.
  • 重复: Repetition of prior course with lower grade removal from 平均绩点 calculation.


Information regarding grading options for Spring 2020 can be found at the 2020年春季评分常见问题 .

请参阅教师手册 复读课程资料.

请参阅教师手册 有关不合格学生入学的资料.

学生 enrolled but not officially reinstated for the term after disqualification should file a request for complete withdrawal 和 full refund of fees prior to the start of the term. 登记 will be cancelled for disqualified students who are enrolled 和 do not file a withdrawal request. 在这种情况下,费用不予退还.

有关学术不诚信的详细资料,请参阅 大学目录附录D.

学生 in good st和ing 和 officially enrolled in one or more residence courses may challenge courses by taking examinations developed at the campus.

学生 may obtain credit by examination in undergraduate 和 graduate courses listed in the General Catalog. 导师和系主任的批准是必需的. 这些单位不计入居住学分, 它们也不算作学生学业工作量的一部分. 年级s received by examination are recorded as final grades on the permanent academic record 和 are designated as earned through credit by examination.

Class instructors can approve enrolling as an auditor only after for-credit students have had a chance to register. 学生 registered for other classes may audit classes only by special arrangement with the class instructor. 常规添加过程不适用. 学生必须提交一份导师批准的课程变更表. 经审核的课程不会记录在学生的成绩单上.

有关政策详情,请参阅 请参阅教师手册.

本科生可以 申请从教育休假中回来 离开两年后, 三个, 或者连续四个学期, 和 are allowed a maximum of four semesters of leave in their undergraduate career.

研究生不在候选资格的可以 申请从教育休假中回来 following absence for up to two consecutive semesters, subject to renewal. Graduate petitions to return require the approval of the college graduate dean.

获得候选资格的研究生可以使用 毕业生请假申请.

年级s are submitted to the Records Office 三个 working days after the end of final examination week. 为了弥补一个可疑的错误,学生应该提交一份 差异报告表格 available at the Records Office, located in Administration 409 by the following term. Any student who wishes to contest an assigned grade should refer to the "Student Conduct: Rights 和 Responsibilities" section in the General 大学目录.

We 强烈 建议您至少浏览一下 程序及规例 部分 大学目录, which has the latest (和 often more detailed) information on many of the topics we cover here.