Undergraduate Degree Objectives

Undergraduate Degree Objectives and Progress to Degree

Graduating in a timely manner is a top priority at Cal State LA.

所有学生在修满60学分之前都必须有一个申报的专业. This applies equally to students who are:

  • Undeclared majors
  • Admitted into a pre-major and are requesting to declare the major
  • Requesting to change major
  • Requesting to add a major

预计学生将完成不超过其初级学位课程所需单元的120%(标准120单元课程为144单元)的学士学位学习, including a second major or any minors.

Advising resources are available to assist you in finding a major, navigating the transition, and planning for degree completion. For more information please visit the Advising and Student Success Centers.

Pre-majors may declare their major after they satisfy the Major Specific Declaration Requirements. 您可以通过查看GET学生中心“学术部分”提供的学术要求报告来检查您在满足专业预科要求方面的进展情况. Be aware that if you are considering Nursing, 该专业还会有额外的入学要求,而且入学竞争非常激烈. Once you have satisfied the specified criteria, 与你的大学咨询和学生成功中心的顾问见面,开始申报你的专业. If the advisor supports your request, the advisor will electronically submit your request to Enrollment Services.

专业预科必须完成必要的课程,以便在达到60个学分时宣布专业. 没有进入该专业的学生将被要求与顾问会面,并且可能需要选择其他专业.

学生可以改变专业或增加第二专业,如果他们能够完成学士学位不超过其初级学位课程所需单元的120%(标准120个单元的课程为144个单元), including a second major or any minors. 本科生最多可以申报(a)两个专业,不含辅修;(b)一个专业和两个辅修.

If you are considering changing your major or declaring a second major, be aware that you must meet any major-specific criteria in the new major. 要确定你想要的专业是否有专业的具体标准,请参阅列表 Major Specific Declaration Requirements. 您可以通过在GET学生中心的“学术部门”创建“假设报告”来检查您的学术课程如何适用于拟议的新专业的入学要求或学位要求. 如果你想看到你在满足入学要求方面的进展, select the ‘pre-major’ code under the Area of Study drop down, such as Pre-Criminal Justice. If you want to see all of the degree requirements for the major, select the actual major in the Area of Study drop down such as Criminal Justice.

Once you have satisfied the specified criteria, 与大学咨询和学生成功中心的顾问会面,探讨换专业的可能性. If the advisor supports your request, the advisor will electronically submit your request to Enrollment Services. 请注意,在处理申请之前,我们可能会要求您提供额外的信息,以确保符合上述政策.

Note: Due to special requirements, PaGE和第二学士学位的学生不允许改变他们的学位目标,也没有资格申报额外的学士学位专业或辅修专业.

Students are encouraged to pursue their academic interests; however, all degree objectives (e.g., majors, minors, 证书)必须在初级学位所允许的120%学分内完成. 本科生最多可以申报(a)两个专业,不含辅修;(b)一个专业和两个辅修. 如果课程顾问为未成年人或证书支持您的要求额外的学位目标, the advisor will electronically submit your request to Enrollment Services. 请注意,在处理请求之前,可能会要求提供额外的信息,以确保符合足彩外围网站的政策.


辅修是在部门级别指定的,需要至少18个单元, 9 of which must be upper-division. A minor also requires a 2.00 GPA and 6 units in residence. A minor must be pursued concurrently with a Bachelor's degree. 请注意,辅修课程的成绩将反映在你的成绩单上,而不是你的文凭上.


证书课程通常需要24到27个单元,并强调你在学科领域的知识应用. 为完成学士学位而修的课程也可能适用于证书要求. 本科证书必须与学士学位同时获得. Note that the award of a certificate will be reflected on your transcript, not on your diploma; and a separate certificate document will be issued.

一些院系已经确定了学业进步标准和里程碑,以帮助学生及时毕业. 这些里程碑可能包括在一定的时间内以一定的成绩完成必修课程. 没有取得足够进步的学生,可能面临无法毕业的风险,将被确定并要求与学术顾问会面,制定计划,以成功完成学生现有的课程.

如果确定成功完成现有的学术课程是无法实现的, 然后,该学生将被开除,并被引导到更合适的项目. 该政策的目标是确保学生追求他们能够成功完成的学位目标,并在当前的学位目标上取得进展.

如果学生的学习成绩已经表明根据该课程批准的学术进步规则或他们的gpa缺乏成功,那么学生可能会被拒绝申报学术课程的请求. These students should be referred to the college's professional advisors or, in their absence, to the University Center for Undergraduate Advising.

As Financial Aid recipients choose majors and plan for earning a degree, 他们需要了解联邦和州的政策,这些政策应该在他们的决策中加以考虑.

  • All Financial Aid recipients must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid (SAP). This policy requires that students maintain a Minimum Cumulative GPA, 无论何时追求多个学位目标,都要以最低累积完成速度取得学位进展,并设定学位完成援助资格的最长时间框架.
  • Individual Financial Aid programs such as Pell Grant, State University Grant, 联邦直接贷款在攻读学士学位的时间框架或金额上也有限制. Review the details for the specific awards you are receiving on Types of Aid.

  • Be sure to consult with a Financial Aid Advisor if you need assistance.