College and School of Education 学术项目



特许教育学院为希望在教育相关领域获得本科或研究生学位的学生提供广泛的课程, a credential leading to a career in teaching, 咨询, school administration and other education-related areas, 或证书拓宽专业技能和知识.

特许教育学院分为三个部门,提供学术和专业课程, supported by the Office of Student Services. For an advisement appointment click the BOOK NOW link.


下面的方框对应每个程序所在的分区. 使用这些来确定与哪个部门联系以获取有关感兴趣的项目的信息.


Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon Applied and Advanced Studies in Education
  Curriculum and Instruction Icon Curriculum and Instruction
  特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon 特殊教育 and 咨询

本科 Degrees

特许教育学院提供本科课程,学生可以获得康复服务学士学位, 导致在康复和人类服务或城市学习领域的职业生涯, leading to preparation for a career as a teacher; the major includes the option to earn a teaching credential in elementary or special education as part of the program.

特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon Rehabilitation Services

Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon Urban Learning (Degree with Credential)

加州大学洛杉矶分校 is now approved for Elementary Subject Matter (ESM) Preparation 程序s (豁免)4个本科专业以下学历,包括城市学习.学生可以通过ctc批准的科目豁免计划放弃科目能力或CSET考试.


特许教育学院提供研究生学位课程,有多种选择,可以获得教育硕士学位, 特殊教育, 教育管理和向说其他语言的人教授英语,以及心理咨询理学硕士学位. In addition, we also offer two doctoral programs: an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and a Ph.D. in 特殊教育.



M.A. in Education, options in:


Curriculum and Instruction Icon

Bilingual/Multicultural Education in the Urban Classroom


Curriculum and Instruction Icon

Curriculum and Instruction (M.A.)



Curriculum and Instruction Icon

Early Childhood/Primary Education


Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Educational Foundations


Curriculum and Instruction Icon

Integrated STEM Teaching



Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Research and Evaluation

M.A. in Educational Administration:


Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Educational Administration

M.A. in Educational Technology, Tracks in:


Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Educational Technology Leadership


Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

E-Learning and New 媒体 Design

M.A. in 特殊教育, options in:


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Autism Spectrum Disorders (M.A.)


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Early Childhood 特殊教育 (M.A.)



特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Mild/Moderate Disabilities (M.A.)


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Moderate/Severe Disabilities (M.A.)


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Multicultural/Multilingual 特殊教育


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Physical and Health Impairments (M.A.)



特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

视力损害 & 失明:阿&M


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

视力损害 & Blindness: Teacher Preparation



Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

M.S. 咨询:


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Applied Behavior Analysis (M.S.)



特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon



特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Rehabilitation 咨询



特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon




Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Ed.D. in Educational Leadership


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Ph.D. in 特殊教育 (offered jointly with UCLA)

Teaching Credentials

特许教育学院提供多学科教学证书课程(小学教学), Single Subject (secondary school teaching), 和教育专家(教残疾学生)证书.

教育专家证书计划提供幼儿特殊教育的教学证书选择, Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Moderate/Severe Disabilities, Physical and Health Impairments, and 视力损害s and Blindness. (适用于有兴趣教视力障碍学生的个人, 特许教育学院还提供临床或康复服务证书(培训和流动)(请参阅专业证书页).

特许教育学院还提供单科和教育专家证书的住院医师培训. 本科综合教师教育计划(ITEP)作为B.A. 在城市学习中. 城市学习专业的学生可以选择多门课程, an education specialist option, a dual accelerated option, 或120个单位的学位完成与基本主题豁免选项. The bilingual added authorization, 还提供了适应体育的附加授权以及骨科损伤和其他健康损伤的附加授权. 该学院还为普通和特殊教育工作者提供教师教育入门选择,以清除他们的初步证书.


加州大学洛杉矶分校 is now approved for Elementary Subject Matter (ESM) Preparation 程序s (豁免)4个本科专业及单学科豁免项目. 学生可以通过ctc批准的科目豁免计划放弃科目能力或CSET考试.


Curriculum and Instruction Icon

Multiple Subject (Elementary Teaching) 足彩外围网站edTPA的信息 感应程序


Curriculum and Instruction Icon

Single Subject (Secondary Teaching) 足彩外围网站edTPA的信息 感应程序


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

Education Specialist (特殊教育) 感应程序

Education Specialist Intern Credential

Early Childhood 特殊教育 (Credential)

Mild/Moderate Disabilities (Credential)

Moderate/Severe Disabilities (Credential)

Physical and Health Impairments (Credential)

视力损害s and Blindness


Curriculum and Instruction Icon



Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Urban Learning (Degree with Credential)

Professional Credentials

特许教育学院提供专业证书课程,包括行政服务证书(一级和二级)。, 在定向和流动性方面的临床康复服务证书和在学校咨询和学校心理学方面的学生人事服务证书.


Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential


Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon

Clear Administrative Services Credential


特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon



特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon



特殊教育 and 咨询 Icon

School Psychology with *PPS Credential and *CWA

*PPS: Pupil Personnel Services Credentail
*CWA: Child Welfare and Attendance


证书 / 授权s


特许教育学院提供证书课程和导致增加或补充授权学生的教学证书的课程. All certificates require post-baccalaureate standing. 我们提供以下学科的证书选择:

  • Bilingualism and Global Education
  • 咨询
  • Educational Technology
  • 阅读
  • 特殊教育
  • Teaching English as a Second Language




Bilingual Education

Curriculum and Instruction Icon Bilingualism and Global Education


Applied Behavior Analysis (证书)

Higher Education and Career 咨询

Clinical 咨询


Educational Technology

Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon Computer Applications in Schools (CAS)

Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon Online Teaching and Learning (COTL)


Autism Spectrum Disorders (证书)


Transition Specialist


Curriculum and Instruction Icon 讲故事

Teaching English as a Second Language

Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon English as a Second or Foreign Language (ESL/EFL)

Applied and Advanced Studies in Education Icon Teachers of English Learners

Added 授权s

添加的授权允许持有人在他或她的教学证书中添加一个或多个科目或专业领域. In addition to coursework, 所有增加的授权必须符合加州教师资格认证委员会(CTC)的指导方针.

Added 授权s

程序 授权
Bilingual Education Curriculum and Instruction Icon Bilingual 授权


Orthopedic Impairments 授权

Other Health Impairments 授权

Adapted Physical Education 授权

Supplemental 授权s

大学的课程可以满足获得补充授权的要求. CTC issues supplemental authorizations. See the CTC website for additional details: Adding Teaching or Subject Areas to Existing Credentials. 咨询是可用的:点击BOOK NOW链接来安排预约.