

  • 学术、课程历史: View a detail list of all courses, including transfer; can be easily sorted and downloaded to a spreadsheet
  • 学者, Transfer Credit Report: 查看外部机构的转学分摘要以及每门课程的详细信息
  • 学者, Withdrawals/Repeats: 查看行政令第1037号提款及重复付款限额(为即将推出的网上重复付款核对作准备)
  • 交流中心: view a log of communications sent to the student; newer communications will provide a link for the student to see the content of the letter
  • 个人信息, Names: view the primary and diploma names on the student record

  • 学者, My Class Schedule: List View and Weekly Calendar View of a student’s schedule
  • 学术、购物车: 查看学生购物车中的内容(计划但尚未注册)
  • 学者, Withdrawals/Repeats: 查看行政令第1037号提款及重复付款限额(为即将推出的网上重复付款核对作准备)
  • 学者选项卡: 在一个页面上查看全面的学术快照,包括每个学期的详细信息和统计数据.g. units and GPA); easier that using an unofficial transcript or hopping between Term History, 学生的成绩, 等.
  • 交流中心: view a log of communications sent to the student; newer communications will provide a link to see the content of the letter
  • 个人信息, Emergency Contact: view a student’s emergency contact information, if available
  • 进度计划: view what a student has setup in Schedule Planner (e.g. 课程、休息时间等.)
  • 搜索, Browse Course Catalog: access to the Course Catalog from the 搜索 tab

下载PDF of the following instructions.

  1. MyCalStateLA门户 at http://my.salamzone.com/ and log in using your MyCalStateLA ID account username and password.
  2. Under the QuickLaunch area on the left, click on the 得到LA link.
  3. Click "Self Service" in the menu on the left.
  4. 点击“我的课程表”——这将显示你下一个学期的课程表(无论你最近在得到中输入的是什么)。.
  5. Click on the green/yellow "Change Term" button.
  6. 选择 current term and click on the green/yellow "Continue" button.
  7. Click the "Grade Roster" icon; next to the class for which you will be entering grades.
  8. 选择 appropriate grade from the drop down menu for each student. 如果学生停止上课,请输入wu等级(未授权退学). 的 WU-grade requires entry of a Last Date of Attendance. 的 field will default to the 50% point in the term. You may change this date to match your records. Please do not leave any blank grades on your roster.
  9. Once all of the grades have been entered, 使用下拉菜单将审批状态指定更改为“已批准”.
  10. Be sure to click the green/yellow "Save" button.
  11. 点击“返回”按钮可返回课程表并选择其他课程.

下载PDF of the following instructions.


请浏览 学生得到页面 for student oriented waitlist information.

Who determines which courses are waitlisted? All undergraduate classes 必须 offer an unlimited waitlist (999). 本指令不包括有先决条件的部分或需要部门/教师同意的部分.

When may a student use the waitlist? 当班级的注册人数达到满额时,学生可以使用候补名单. 等待名单将继续提供给学生,直到六个工作日后的学期开始.

Which courses may not use a waitlist? 候补名单不能用于任何有共同要求或需要部门/教师同意的课程.

Can a multiple-component course use a waitlist? 是的. 事实上,是一个候补名单 必须 be used for all sections of a multi-component course.

Can crosslisted courses use a waitlist? 是的,一个候补名单 必须 可以在课程级别以及组合章节表页面上设置. This requires a request to be submitted to the Scheduling Office.

How are students selected for enrollment from a waitlist? 的 waitlist process uses a "first come, 先得”的概念, 这意味着那些排得最早的人在候补名单上的位置较低. 排在队伍前面的人将在空位开放时自动登记 as long as they meet the enrollment requirement/requisites. Once the student at the front of the line moves off of the waitlist, the subsequent student will move up to position 1.

如果在一个有候补名单的地区增加招生容量会发生什么? 在候补名单上的学生将优先填补新创建的空间.

How do students enroll in new sections added due to high demand? 鼓励学术部门通过电子邮件通知等待名单的学生,当新的部分已经创建. 学生有责任访问得到并注册新部分.

相关内容, Classes that require co-requisites cannot be waitlisted.

允许课程 - Courses that require permission should not be waitlisted. Sections with existing waitlists should not later add consent required. 在需要许可证之前排队的学生在有座位时无需许可证即可入学.

登记 Holds (Negative Service Indicators) - If you have holds on your registration, you cannot waitlist.

必备的 -如果你没有完成课程的要求,你不能等待名单.

时间冲突 -如果你同时注册了一门课程,那么等候名单上的课程就会被提供, you will not be able to waitlist the course.

超过单位 -你不能报名参加候补课程,如果它导致你超过了允许的最大单位.

额外的部分 -如果你已经注册了同一门课程的不同部分,你不能注册等候名单课程.

最多9台 -学生一次最多可以等待九个单元,这取决于全日制/非全日制支付情况.


的 教师 Center tab displays your teaching schedule.


  1. 通过点击课程左侧的课程花名册图标,选择您想要查看的课程花名册. 的 system will display the 学生名单.
  2. If you wish to view a student's ID card photo, 点击学生身份证号左侧的照片图标,或者点击“将照片纳入列表”单选按钮,浏览整个班级的照片.
  3. To print a complete 学生名单 with photos:
    • 选择 在列表中添加照片 option.
    • Select 查看所有. A full roster with photos will display.
    • To print the full roster with photos, right click anywhere in the area to the right of the list 如图所示:
    • 然后选择 这个框架,然后 打印框架……

招生 Validation for 学生

学生现在可以 验证 their desired class schedule prior to their assigned registration time. 这使学生在注册预约之前就能解决常见的入学障碍.

注册验证与Schedule Planner和Shopping Cart紧密合作,模拟学生提交的每个课程部分的添加请求. 的 simulation process does error checking, reporting back reasons the class cannot be added, without enrolling the student or reserving a seat. 检查的错误有:

  • Holds (negative service indicators)
  • 时间的冲突
  • 未满足条件
  • 同意要求
  • Maximum Unit Load (no prepayment made)

验证将在第一次注册预约开始前两周开放. 这让学生提前解决了常见的入学障碍. 这样做的目的是在更多的时间内分配与清除这些障碍相关的工作量,并在预约注册周期间减轻每个人的压力.

学生 will see two types of appointments in the 学生中心:

  • 购物车预约: when a student may use 招生 Validation
  • 登记预约: when a student may submit add/drop requests
Screenshot of 招生 Validation box

购物车预约 只允许访问 验证 按钮上的购物车. It does not allow a student to submit add/drop requests.

学生只能在申请表上规定的时间范围内提交加/退申请 登记预约.

是的. 本周晚些时候,当我们在得到中发布购物车和注册预约时,我们将向符合条件的学生发送一封电子邮件,解释注册过程. 这条信息解释了两种预约类型之间的区别,并概述了六个推荐的注册步骤:

  • 解决有
  • Review outstanding Academic Requirements (CAAR)
  • Use Schedule Planner to identify preferred sections
  • 验证注册并解决任何问题,如获得所需的班级许可
  • 支付该学期预期经济援助未涵盖的任何学费和费用. 财政援助将向符合优先申请日期的学生发送通知,包括预期的援助.
  • 报名及确认时间表

A guide to Class Permissions is available as a .PDF下载.
Class Permissions Guide (PDF)