ARTP Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

College of Arts and Letters
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Date Approved: October 2020


Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations

部门人事委员会的组成(试用及临时委任), Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, and Evaluation of Temporary, Probationary and Tenured Faculty)

Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees

The department annually elects 4 personnel committees.

本系或同等单位之试用教员及终身制教员,应选举终身制教员同行评审委员会. When there are insufficient eligible members to serve on the peer committee, the department shall elect members from a related academic discipline(s).

(The Committees, as a whole, must take responsibility for the following tasks: Probationary Appointment; Temporary Appointment; Retention, Tenure and Promotion; Range Elevation; Evaluation of Temporary Faculty; Evaluation of Probationary Faculty; Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Post-Tenure review); Evaluation for Request to Emeritus status; and Collaboration on the Development of Individual Professional Plans. 要求每一单位在下面说明哪个委员会负责每一项任务.)

Committee Titles and Responsibilities

Number of Members

(at least 3; all tenured full time)

(Indicate if must be (full) professor rank)

Number of Alternates

(1 or more; all tenured full-time)*

(Indicate if must be (full) professor rank)

Search Committee

(new full time faculty hires)

3 members, 1名西班牙语副教授或正教授,2名由试用教员和终身教员选举产生(可选举1名试用教员)

1 Associate or Full Professor

Temporary Faculty Review Committee

(review of part-time and temporary faculty)

3 members, 1名西班牙语副教授或正教授,2名由实习教员和终身教员选举产生

1 Associate or Full Professor

Personnel Committee A

(for consideration of Associate Professors for promotion or tenure; evaluation of tenure faculty; recommendation for emeritus status; recommendation of temporary faculty for range elevation and promotion)

3 Full Professors 1 Full Professor

Personnel Committee B

(for consideration of faculty below the rank of Associate Professor for retention, tenure, and promotion)

3 Associate or Full Professors

1 Associate or Full Professor

Eligibility for Committee Service and Balloting


Department Personnel Committees are elected using the ballot system. The ballots are counted with the golf score total method, 票数较低的三名当选为委员,票数第四低的为候补委员. 部门人事委员会不得包括超过一名参加教师提前退休计划的教员.

For each faculty evaluation committee, indicate whether the chair is always included on the committee, excluded from the committee, or eligible to serve if elected to the committee.

For each faculty evaluation committee, the chair is always included on the committee.

Recruitment of Probationary Faculty

Appointment of Probationary Faculty

Personnel Action Files

Individualized Professional Plans


希望制定专业计划的实习教员将与系主任和人事委员会B合作. 希望制定专业计划的终身教职员工将与系主任和人事委员会A合作.

Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion

Area of Specialization Terminal Degree
  • Language, Literature, Linguistics
  • Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Educational Technology
  • Computer Assisted Language Learning



Ph.D. or Ed.D.


Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty


Category B被认为适合该学科的“学术和创造性活动”的活动包括:

  • Paper and electronic publications such as scholarly articles and book reviews, books or chapters in books, CD-ROMs
  • Conference presentations
  • Published creative writing and translation, panels, symposia and colloquia
  • Involvement in editorial boards and professional consultations
  • Offices in professional organizations
  • Other generally accepted activities and contributions to the field
  • Receipt of awards
  • Submissions of applications for, as well as receipts of grants, or fellowships for the pursuit of research/study in the faculty member's field
  • Contracts employing the faculty member's expertise

1. Classroom visitation/peer observations

在每个RTP周期内,考虑中的教师的班级应访问一次,并由至少一名同等或更高级别的终身教职员工进行评估. Before the class, 教师应向观察员提供课程大纲和任何可能与所参观的课程相关的教学材料. 观察员应对访问期间发生的活动提供客观和详细的描述. 课堂评价应考虑教师对课程内容的准备和掌握程度等因素, the extent to which the lesson achieves the goals of the lesson/course, the activities/techniques used (e.g., lecture, discussion, group work, exercises, use of technology, etc.), the learning environment, and the instructor's weaknesses. 如果有,必须在收到报告后五天内与教员会面. If a meeting is requested, it must take place within ten days of the request. Copies of the report shall be given to the faculty member, the Chair of the Temporary Faculty review Committee, and the Department Chair. Rebuttal to the report, if desired, is due prior to file closure.

2. Evaluation of Category A may also take into account:
a. Contributions in Category B directly related to instruction, e.g., publication, consultant work, editorial board, reviewer of instructional materials, involvement in professional activities, participation in faculty seminars on such topics as innovative classroom techniques, applied linguistics, and methods of teaching literature, 前提是这些贡献可以被证明可以加强个人的课堂表现.

b. 持续的正式学习和/或独立研究将提高课堂表现.

3. 对人事报告中学生评价的解释应包括对其表现的总体描述
    and shall not be based only on statistical references.

Committee Procedures


Student Consultation in Academic Personnel Processes

Oral Testimony


  1. 目前部门的做法是不邀请任何人自动与委员会会面口头作证. Since oral testimony is given only to clarify material in the file, no other persons will be routinely interviewed by the committee.
  2. The department believes that the personnel files should stand on their own. 因此,委员会将不接受任何人在提出建议之前提出的与委员会会面的要求. Following the issuance of the recommendation, the committee will honor the request of the candidate to meet with the committee.

Role of Department/Division/School Chair or Director

Appointment of Temporary Faculty

Evaluation of Temporary Faculty


In order to conduct the second level of review, 系主任不得为系级委员会成员,该委员会负责审查临时全职和兼职教员. Evaluation of temporary faculty shall be based on the following criteria:

Category A

Teaching performance shall be evaluated by

  1. 在每个定期审查周期内,由临时教师审查委员会的一至两名成员或其指定人员进行课堂观察/访问.

Class visits:

  • 临时值班教员应在不少于5个大学工作日内收到书面通知,说明观察日期
  • Whenever possible, the Department will honor the instructor's selection of class to be evaluated (course, day, and time) with due consideration for personnel deadlines
  • Before the class, 讲师应给观察员一份课程大纲和任何可能与所访问的班级相关的教学材料
  • 观察员应该提供一个客观和详细的描述,在课堂访问期间发生的活动. The class evaluation should address the following factors:
    • Instructor's preparation and mastery of course content
    • Extent to which the lesson achieve the goals of the lesson/course
    • Utilization of time during the class
    • Description of the activities/techniques used (e.g., lecture, discussion, groups, student reports written exercises, use of board, overhead projector, etc.)
    • Instructor's manner (professional, amiable, comfortable, etc.) and its apparent effect on the students
    • Learning environment in the class (exciting, comfortable, casual, informal, serious, formal, intimidating, etc.)
    • Evidence of interest, attentiveness, involvement, preparation of the students
    • Description of instructor's strengths and/or weaknesses
    • Innovative classroom techniques or use of technology in the classroom
  • 课程应由临时教师审查委员会的一名成员或其指定人员访问
  • 临时教员应在5个工作日内收到观察报告. A request by the faculty member to meet, if any, must be made within five days of the receipt of the report, If a meeting is requested, it must take place within ten days of the request. A copy of the report shall be given to the instructor, the Chair of the Temporary Faculty Review Committee, and the Department Chair, Rebuttal to the report, if desired, is due prior to file closure.
  1. Student opinion Surveys administered in all classes taught by temporary faculty
When evaluating student opinion surveys, committee members will consider areas where there is reason for concern, the overall score, and the department mean for a specific course. Minor variations from the men should not receive undue attention.
  1. 所有临时教师都需要提交一份补充文件,其中包含课程和其他反映教学的材料, Examples of those materials are the following:
  • Course syllabi
  • Class/teaching materials
  • Class assignments
  • Quizzes, tests, examinations
  • Evidence of student work and accomplishments

该领域的货币将由临时教员对课程材料和教学技巧的掌握程度来评估, as displayed in syllabi, supplemental materials, peer and student evaluations, as well as performance in discipline-related activities. The Department has determined that these activities may include the following:

  • Publications such as books, articles, book reviews, chapters in books, published creative writing, and translations
  • 出席和/或参与专业会议、专题讨论会、研讨会和会议
  • Offices in professional organizations
  • Receipt of grants, awards, or fellowships to do research/study in the field

Evaluation statement:

After an instructor's file has been reviewed, his or her teaching performance will be rated as outstanding, commendable, satisfactory, needs improvement or unsatisfactory, His or her performance in Category A will be summarized.

Consideration for Three-Year Appointments

Consideration for Range Elevation


现代语言文学系全职和兼职临时教员的晋升标准是在a类教学业绩中有持续的令人满意的业绩记录, and currency in the field.

该领域的货币将由临时教员对课程材料和教学技巧的掌握程度来评估, as displayed in syllabi, supplemental materials, peer and student evaluations, as well as performance in discipline-related activities. The Department has determined that these activities may include the following:

  • Publications such as books, articles, book reviews, chapters in books, published creative writing, and translations
  • 出席和/或参与专业会议、专题讨论会、研讨会和会议
  • Offices in professional organizations
  • Receipt of grants, awards, or fellowships to do research/study in the field

Review of Department Personnel Procedures