

教师 members are responsible for notifying their department/division chair or school director in writing before any planned absence from a scheduled class, 上班时间, 或其他与工作相关的活动, 尽可能提前通知. 取决于休假的性质, the faculty member shall seek approval from the dean and provide written documentation as appropriate. 即使已经安排了课堂教学,这一要求也适用.

教师 are also expected to notify their department/division chair or school director immediately in the case of sickness or other emergency situation that prevents the faculty member's attendance for classes, 会议, 等.

任何教员缺勤一天或一天以上, 不管是计划好了还是生病了或者其他紧急情况, the department administrator or designee shall submit appropriate documentation for payroll reporting purposes. The faculty member should submit sick leave usage and/or personal holiday usage as appropriate through 缺席管理自助服务, 但如果教师由于某种原因无法完成这一要求, the department head/chair is responsible for and authorized to submit the leave usage on their behalf. The college dean/equivalent or their designee will serve as the final authority to approve all faculty absences and leave usage within their college/unit.


Full-time employees earn 8 hours of sick leave credits per month following completion of one month of continuous service and for each additional qualifying pay period thereafter. They are charged 8 hours of sick leave for each consecutive academic workday missed from the onset of the illness/injury until the day they resume their duties (or notify their dean or department chair of their availability to resume work). 在学期开课期间,没有学术假期时, all weekdays (Monday through Friday) are scheduled workdays including days for which a faculty member is not scheduled to teach. Part-time employees accrue credit for sick leave on a pro-rata basis and are charged pro-rata sick leave for each academic workday missed from the onset of the illness/injury until the day they resume their duties (or notify their dean or department chair of their availability to resume work). 第二十四条.第10条规定可以使用病假的缺勤情况.

根据第24条.7, appropriate medical verification of the need for sick leave is required for any absence more than three consecutive days, and such verification should be provided by the faculty member to the department chair and/or dean. 在紧急情况下并经适当批准, up to 40 hours of accrued sick leave credit may be used for family care during any one calendar year (see 第二十四条.CFA/CSU集体谈判协议第13条以获取更多信息.累积的病假点数没有限制.

教员归为“学年级”职工, are entitled to all days designated in the campus academic calendar as academic holidays or any other day designated by the Governor as a public fast or holiday. 学术假期不是补偿性的. 校历位于 规划副教务长办公室 & 预算校历 网页. 12个月的员工工作时间表位于 人力资源工资 网站.

所有学术员工每年都有一天的个人假期. 如果在日历年结束前未休完个人假期,则会被没收. 个人假期的安排必须由员工和院长商定.

Full-time faculty employees with a 10- or 12-month work year earn vacation at the rate of two days per qualifying month of service (part-time employees accrue vacation on a prorated basis). 以学年为基础雇用的教师不获得假期学分. 绝大多数教员都是按学年聘任的. 假期 credit is cumulative to a maximum of 320 working hours (48 days) for ten (10) or fewer years of service or 440 working hours (55 days) for more than ten (10) years of such service. Accumulated vacation hours exceeding these maximum amounts as of January 1 of each year shall be forfeited. 工作满一年后, 员工每年至少应有40个小时的假期. Any part of the 40 hours not taken during the calendar year is forfeited on January 1 of the following year. 在某些条件下, the president may permit an academic employee to carry over more than the allowable credits.

在完成一个合格的工资期后,可休应计假期. 除非在紧急情况下并事先得到院长的书面批准, employees are not to take vacation time off during any semester in which they are teaching.

Requests for scheduling vacation must be submitted in writing to the department head/chair at least thirty days in advance. 只要有可能, vacations shall be scheduled by mutual agreement of the faculty member and department head/chair. 假期的安排也可能来自机构的需要. 虽然假期积分是一种权利, the time vacations are taken must be convenient to the University and approved by the dean or equivalent administrator.


Full-time academic employees may be granted a leave without pay by the dean for a specific period of time, 通常不超过两年. 一个兼职, temporary academic employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay to maintain their rights and entitlements under provisions 12.3, 12.7, 12.9, 12.10, 12.12和12.集体谈判协议第13条.

Requests for leave without pay must specify whether the leave is for professional or personal reasons. 教师 members on leave of absence without pay shall notify the dean no later than April 1 of their intention to return at the beginning of the next academic year and no later than October 1 of their intention to return at the beginning of the Spring semester.

在对学校有利的情况下,可准予无薪专业假, 比如研究, 先进的研究, 或者专业发展. 这种休假应视为完全自愿, 而且是为了工人补偿, 所涉及的时间不计入工作时间. A faculty member on approved professional leave without pay will accrue service credit toward probation, 休假资格, 薪酬资格差异, 服务加薪资格, 和资历. 在无薪休假期间,退休服务积分不应累计, 但可以在休假回来后回购. (欲知详情,请浏览网页 加州公务员退休基金 在“活跃成员”视图下, 然后点击“表格和出版物”下的“服务信用购买选项”."). 休假申请应通过系主任/系主任提交给学院院长.

无薪事假可作为无薪病假, 外就业, 育婴假, 照顾家庭或其他个人目的. 教师 on personal leave without pay do not accrue service credit toward 休假资格, 薪酬资格差异, 加薪资格, 或年资,除非集体谈判协议另有规定. 在无薪休假期间,退休服务积分不应累计. 在某些情况下, probationary faculty on personal leave without pay may request that their probationary period be extended. 申请应通过系主任/系主任提交给学院院长.



Full-time academic employees may be granted a leave without pay by the dean for a specific period, 通常不超过两年. 一个兼职 temporary academic employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay to maintain their rights and entitlements.


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