
符合条件的全职教师可以申请工资差异休假, 就像休假一样, 但可以更频繁地服用. 同样的目标是让教师将时间和精力集中在一个可持续的研究领域, 奖学金, 或与其学科相关的创造性活动,为大学带来好处, 学生, 以及自己的专业发展, the DIP provides faculty with monthly pay that is the difference between the faculty’s salary and the minimum salary of the instructor rank. 的re is an annual application process for submission and review of DIP proposals from eligible faculty.  

下面的资源提供对dip的策略和CBA引用的访问, 以及申请使用和提交参考的规则.



  • One semester DIP at difference between the faculty’s salary and the minimum salary of the instructor rank 
  • Two semester DIP at difference between the faculty’s salary and the minimum salary of the instructor rank  


  • Four-month DIP at difference between the faculty’s salary and the minimum salary of the lowest comparable time base librarian rank or counselor minimum salary of the instructor rank at comparable time base   
  • Eight-month 休假 at difference between the faculty’s salary and the minimum salary of the lowest comparable time base librarian rank or counselor minimum salary of the instructor rank at comparable time base  



  • A full-time faculty unit employee shall be eligible for a difference in pay leave if they have served full-time for six (6) years at the campus in the preceding seven (7) year period prior to the leave. 教师 will be eligible for a subsequent DIP leave after they have served full-time for three years after the last sabbatical or DIP leave and has satisfied the obligation of 服务 rendered to CSU. (详情请参阅 第二十八条工会与学校集体协商协议之工资休假差异. Eligible faculty will need to submit a written proposal by the posted deadline in order to be considered.


  • 教师 shall receive health, dental, and appropriate fringe benefits while on an approved DIP leave. 他们还将获得病假, 假期(适用于12个月的教员), 服务信用向服务工资增加资格, 在DIP期间获得晋升的时间, 是适用的.
  • 教师 on approved DIP leave shall not be directed to engage in teaching or 服务 to the department, 大学, 或大学休假期间.
  • 教师 on approved DIP leave shall not accept additional and/or outside employment without prior approval of the President (or designee.)
  • 教师 granted a DIP leave are required to provide verification that the conditions of the leave were met. 教师 may use the 休假 Leave Report Form for their DIP report and submit to the 大学 no later than the end of the returning term. 学院将向教务办公室报告收到的报告.
  • 教师 shall render 服务 to CSU upon return from a DIP leave at the rate of one term of 服务 for each term of leave. 需要本票作为担保.





  • DIP假申请须包括:
    • 学习计划或经历计划的详细大纲, 研究/项目, 服务, 和/或旅行在DIP期间完成.
    • 目的陈述,说明对学生的好处, 专业或学科的发展, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, CSU, 和/或作为教师学者或从业者的教职员工.
    • 证明完成游戏所需的资源是可用的.
  • 更新后的个人简历.



  • DIP假申请须包括:
    • 学习计划或经历计划的详细大纲, 研究/项目, 服务, 和/或旅行在DIP期间完成.
    • 目的陈述,说明对学生的好处, 专业或学科的发展, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, CSU, 和/或作为教师学者或从业者的教职员工.
    • 证明完成游戏所需的资源是可用的.
  • 更新后的个人简历.


1. 输入收件人的电子邮件: (电子邮件保护) 以“审批人”身份进入教务电邮信箱 初步 在页边空白处,挨着财政官员签名的那一行.

2. 输入收件人邮箱:AVP博士. 伊丽莎白一个. Heise ((电子邮件保护))作为批准人 初步 在行政长官签名楼里. Bippus要签字了.

3. 输入收件人的电子邮件:Office of Planning & 预算:(电子邮件保护))作为批准人 初步 在页边空白处的签名行旁边. Bippus要签字了.

4. 输入收件人的电子邮件:学术资源总监,Anna Lim ((电子邮件保护))作为批准人 初步 在页边空白处的签名行旁边. Bippus要签字了.

5. 输入收件人的电子邮件:副总裁/教务长,博士. Bippus ((电子邮件保护))作为签名者 签署 在行政长官审批线上.

6. 点击显示CC进入人力资源管理学院事务((电子邮件保护)) to 收到副本 完成的文件.

7. 点击“显示CC”进入学院事务((电子邮件保护)) to 收到副本 完成的文件.

8. 单击“显示CC”,输入学院RM /适当部门管理员到 收到副本 完成的文件.



     1. 系/分部主席或学校主任
     2. 部门委员会
     3. 学院院长
     4. 教务长

系/分部主席或学校主任 (appropriate signatory for library and counselor faculty may vary) reviews the DIP proposal, 考虑到对系/部/学校的课程和运作的影响. 例如, the department chair may receive two proposals for the same term from faculty from a small program and believe that it would unduly impact the ability of the department to offer core courses if both were awarded.

部门委员会 由不申请DIP的终身教授组成, 审查所有来自学院或单位的DIP提案. 的 committee considers the quality of the DIP proposal based on the requirements delineated in the application and using the published rubric. 一旦委员会对评价表的标题达成一致意见, 委员会主席填写评估表, 代表委员会的一致意见. Comments are added to provide the faculty with further input on the quality of the proposal. 的 names of all committee members are included on the form and the committee chair signs the form. 推荐信被转发给学院院长或单位负责人.

学院院长或系主任 审核所有来自部门/部门/学校或单位的DIP提案. 院长审查系委员会的建议. 院长还要考虑系主任的批准和不批准, 其他校园需求, 以及大学预算的影响. 院长对每个提案进行评估.

教务长 审查休假申请, 委员会和学院院长的评估, 并考虑那些被推荐的休假建议的排名, 在制定休假奖励时,还要考虑大学的预算和计划需求. Two-semester sabbaticals at half pay may be awarded if recommended by the 大学 and provost, 根据大学的预算和规划需要. 的 number of 大学-recommended sabbatical applications typically well exceeds the number that can be funded. 的 Office of the 教务长 informs faculty who were awarded and those who were not awarded and provides the faculty with the 大学 committee and dean's evaluation forms. 的se evaluation forms may be helpful when a faculty who was not awarded a sabbatical decides to resubmit in a subsequent year.

注意: 教务处 为教务长审阅准备学院材料. 的 教务处 also supports the 教务长’s Office in ensuring that award letters and letters for proposals not awarded are sent to the faculty. 的 office also maintains a DIP tracking spreadsheet to ensure that each faculty is notified of the status of their proposal, 获得dip的公司将收到本票, and verifies with the 大学 deans’ office that the reports were received upon return to 服务. It is important that departments and 大学s submit sabbatical ETFs in a timely manner for the start of the sabbatical and return from the sabbatical.