ARTP Department of Pan-African Studies

College of Natural and Social Sciences
Department of Pan-African Studies
Date Approved: February 2014


Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations

部门人事委员会的组成(试用及临时委任), Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, and Evaluation of Temporary, Probationary and Tenured Faculty)

Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees


本系或同等单位之试用教员及终身制教员,应选举终身制教员同行评审委员会. 当没有足够的合格成员在同业委员会任职时, 本系从相关学科中选派成员。.

(The Committees, as a whole, must take responsibility for the following tasks: Probationary Appointment; Temporary Appointment; Retention, Tenure and Promotion; Range Elevation; Evaluation of Temporary Faculty; Evaluation of Probationary Faculty; Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Post-Tenure review); Evaluation for Request to Emeritus status; and Collaboration on the Development of Individual Professional Plans. 要求每一单位在下面说明哪个委员会负责每一项任务.)

Committee Titles and Responsibilities

Number of Members

(at least 3; all tenured full time)

(Indicate if must be (full) professor rank)

Number of Alternates

(1 or more; all tenured full-time)

(Indicate if must be (full) professor rank)


负责寻找和任命所有初级终身教职员工, 对终身教授和讲师进行年度和定期审查, tenure and promotion of probationary, and range elevation for lecturer faculty.

3  tenured (A separate committee must be elected for probationary appointments; 1 probationary faculty may be elected for recruitment) 1



3 (Full Professors only)






Eligibility for Committee Service and Balloting

Recruitment of Probationary Faculty

Appointment of Probationary Faculty

Personnel Action Files

Individualized Professional Plans

Eligibility for Tenure and Promotion

Area of Specialization Terminal Degree
African/African-American/Black Studies


Social Sciences (Pol. Sci, Soc, Hist, etc.) Ph.D.
Humanities (English, Literature, etc.) Ph.D.
Law J.D.
Arts (Film, Theater, Visual, etc.) MFA or Ph.D.

Evaluation of Permanent Instructional Faculty


Category B被认为适合该学科的“学术和创造性活动”的活动包括:

  • Publication of articles, book chapters and books
  • 向更广泛的受众进行媒体和公开演讲,其中教师被认为是专家
  • 与该领域相关的电影、戏剧和创意表演、装置和展览
  • 参与、咨询和服务与该领域有关的社区组织

Committee Procedures


Student Consultation in Academic Personnel Processes

Oral Testimony


Appointment of Temporary Faculty

Evaluation of Temporary Faculty



该领域的货币将由用于教授指定课程的材料的货币决定, as well as the teaching methods utilized. 讲师也可以选择提交与研究和服务相关的材料, including publications, film/media credits, academic presentations, community work, and university service. However, 这些努力不是必需的,不提交这些项目不应对审查产生负面影响.

Consideration for Three-Year Appointments

Consideration for Range Elevation

Review of Department Personnel Procedures


Department: Pan-African Studies

Area of Specialization: Arts

Terminal Degree: M.F.A.

1. 为什么这个学位比博士学位更适合这个职位?

The Master of Fine Arts degree is equally relevant, and in some cases, 比博士学位更重要的是,它是美术的终极学位. MFA学位的持有者特别准备作为美术学者, researchers and practitioners. Perhaps more than many Ph.D.s, 艺术硕士对艺术参与的意义和实践有更明确的把握, including the use of different mediums, the relationship between the artist, the art form and the viewer, and particular and evolving techniques.

2. 这个领域有多少博士学位?

美术硕士学位是该领域的最高学位. 有一些相关的,但不具体的博士学位.

3. 这个学位能为教师提供必要的研究背景吗, scholarly, or creative work in the University?

Yes. 硕士学位持有者通常被聘为大学教员. Many of the leading researchers, 该领域的学者和创造性贡献者持有硕士学位,而不是博士学位.D.s.

4.  专业认证机构对系里教师的最终学位有什么要求吗? If so, what is that requirement?


5.  同等学校的类似职位的学历要求是什么? 请标明学校,并提供相关政策的复印件.

科罗拉多州立大学多明格斯山分校非洲研究系口头确认了MFAs终身聘用资格, CSU Northridge, CSU Long Beach, and CSU San Diego all allow for the hiring of MF As, 加州大学洛杉矶分校的非裔美国人研究项目和加州大学伯克利分校的非裔美国人研究部门也是如此, and Howard University.

在最近与上述各机构的系主任和副系主任的谈话中,MFA学位的接受得到了证实. Since the MFA is a terminal degree, and has "norm" acceptance within arts disciplines, 包括泛非和种族研究,因为它们是跨学科的, 我们联系的任何机构都不需要或没有单独的正式政策.
