
Institutional Learning Goals, Objectives, Outcomes and Measures

加州州立大学, Los Angeles students expand and deepen their interdisciplinary and general understanding of the world, 提高他们的关键技能, 并为一生的学习承担责任, 随着毕业生成为积极参与的个体, 增强, 并为民主社会做出贡献.

1. 知识:掌握探究的内容和过程

CSULA graduates have a strong knowledge base in their academic major and can 使用 powerful processes of inquiry in a range of disciplines. They engage contemporary and enduring questions with an understanding of the complexities of human cultures and the physical and natural world and are ready to put their knowledge into action to address contemporary issues.

2. 熟练程度:智力技能

CSULA graduates are equipped to actively participate in democratic society. They are critical thinkers who make 使用 of quantitative and qualitative reasoning. 他们有能力去发现, 使用, evaluate and process information in order to engage in complex decision-making. They read critically, speak and write clearly and thoughtfully and communicate effectively.

3. 地点与社区:城市与全球使命

CSULA graduates are engaged individuals who have contributed to the multi-lingual and multiethnic communities that constitute Los Angeles and the world of the future. They are aware of how their actions impact society and the environment, 他们努力做出对社会负责的决定. They are community builders sensitive to the needs of diverse individuals and groups and committed to renewing the communities in which they live.

4. 转型:整合学习

CSULA毕业生将学术学习与生活结合起来. 他们参与社区活动, 专业, 有创意的, research and scholarly 项目 that lead to changes in their sense of self and understanding of their worlds. 毕业生整合他们的知识, skills and experience to address complex and contemporary issues and act ethically as leaders for the 21st century.

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Endorsed by Academic Senate 6/1/10 and approved by the President 6/8/10

*Alignment of Strategic Plan Priorities and 机构学习成果

The General Education program at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 is defined by a set of learning outcomes that are aligned with the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Institutional Learning outcomes and the Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) outcomes promoted by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U),并被加州州立大学系统采用.

1. 知识:掌握探究的内容和过程


  • demonstrate understanding of the physical and natural world.
  • demonstrate understanding of contemporary events within political and historical contexts.
  • demonstrate understanding of the diversity of cultures and communities in the United States and abroad.
  • 展示对结构的理解, 机构, and structures of power and privilege in societies as well as strategies 使用d to challenge existing inequalities.
  • demonstrate understanding of a range of disciplinary ways of knowing.
  • demonstrate understanding of 有创意的 expression in the context of the relevant art form and 知识 history.
  • demonstrate understanding of race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic class

2. 熟练程度:智力技能


  • demonstrate civic literacy that would enable them to participate effectively in a democratic society
  • 使用查询流程, including quantitative and qualitative reasoning and critical and 有创意的 thinking, 参与当代和持久的问题.
  • 找到, 使用, evaluate and process information in order to engage in complex decision-making and problem solving.
  • 有效地读、说、写.
  • 展示协作能力.

3. 参与:地方和全球社区


  • demonstrate the capacity to engage meaningfully with diverse communities.
  • demonstrate understanding of how individuals affect society and the environment.
  • demonstrate the capacity to make well informed, ethical, and socially responsible decisions.
  • demonstrate understanding of the interconnectedness of local and global communities.
  • demonstrate literacy in the perspectives and needs of individuals and groups.

4. 转型:整合学习


  • integrate academic learning with life through project-based experiences.
  • integrate their knowledge, skills and experience to address complex, enduring, and emerging issues.


  1. 展示对主要理论的掌握, 概念, approaches to inquiry and/or practices relevant to the field of study.
  2. Demonstrate information literacy appropriate to the field of study.
  3. 识别和评估或应用不同的观点, 假设, 以及研究领域内的惯例.
  4. Critically examine the power and limitations of quantitative and/or qualitative evidence in the evaluation, 建设, 以及在研究领域的观点交流.
  5. Demonstrate communicative fluency appropriate to the field of study. 交际流利可以包括多种表达模式.
  6. 艺术iculate how advancing knowledge or practice in their field of study contributes to the public good.
  7. Frame and examine a controversy or problem through research, 项目, 论文, 展品, 或者在研究领域的表现.
  8. Situate the field of study and its relevance within a broader context, 包括但不限于社交, 知识, 和/或应用专业背景.
  9. Apply appropriate ethical standards or practices within the field of study.

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