CETL Model


CETL编程是奋斗者通知的. 我们的大多数第一代,拉丁裔/a/x学生强烈影响我们的方法. 不管我们的教员来自哪里, 他们将受到我们充满活力和成就的学生社区的影响. 当你们继续在大流行后的教学中摸索时, 加州州立大学洛杉矶有效教学中心创建了多种资源,帮助您在虚拟和面对面学习之间进行切换,同时承认我们独特的学生群体对您的教学知识做出的贡献. 教师可以而且应该通过不同的教学方式来调整自己的教学和课程设计, 用人方面, compassion, 结构作为这些属性强烈地影响着我们学生的归属感和成功感. 我们致力于并促进以学生为中心的课程设计, 积极和文化响应和严格的学习实践,以促进学生的成长和相关性, 创建公平和包容教室的响应策略, 以及道德和透明的课程教材和评估标准.

美国上大学的人口现在是第一代. 我们借鉴了Gloria Ladson-Billings和Zaretta Hammond的作品以及结构信息方法(Wlodkowski) & 金斯伯格)到成人学习专家. Finally, 鉴于疫情对我们社区的影响, 我们的模型包括创伤知情原则, 由贾尼斯·卡雷洛改编.



下面的每一个类别都代表了我们的计划,并映射到一个特定的奋斗者知情的教学原则. 如果你想要更多的信息和/或例子,如何将这些纳入你的教学, email us at (电子邮件保护).我们相信,任何英语教学研讨会和长期课程都可以帮助您将这些原则应用到您的课程中.


所有的阶级成员都是盟友而不是对手,以确保彼此的成功. 所有班级成员都有机会提供意见、分享权力和做决定.

Examples: implementing policies and practices that foster success; involving students in creating or revising policies, assignments, and grading; doing with rather doing for students (e.g., editing papers for students); facilitating student-led discussion and activities.

讨论讨论,吸引学生的途径向学生展示你的关心,吸引学生的途径ACUE Badge


所有班级成员都努力对历史作出反应, cultural, 以及性别背景,以尊重彼此不同的经历和身份.

Examples: addressing microaggressions; being aware of personal and disciplinary biases and how they impact teaching and learning (e.g., 偏爱或轻视某些方言的, writing styles, or research methods); providing choices to self-identify identities (e.g., choice to identify or not identify pronouns); taking responsibility to address burdening of students to speak for or represent/explain their entire identity group (e.g.(如果学生被要求为自己的种族发言,老师会提到这一点)。.



Examples:Tapping into students’ unique capital; making bridges between the discipline and activities that recognize and affirm the cultural wealth of our surrounding communities; leveraging a wide range of content that students can see themselves reflected in; harnessing community involvement as this fosters civic growth; allowing students to learn in a variety of ways and giving students multiple opportunities to demonstrate this learning; engaging in capstone activities that gives back or pays forward.


All class members emphasize strengths and resilience over deficiencies and pathology; they empower one another to make choices and to develop confidence and competence.

Examples: 在可能的情况下建立选择.g., readings, paper format); integrating active learning; implementing realistic attendance policies (e.g., statements in syllabus to reach out to instructional team if you will be absent before a class); facilitating large and small group discussions so students have multiple opportunities and modes to speak. 

讨论讨论,吸引学生的途径 在你的课程中激励学生,吸引学生ACUE Badge包容的教学CCRESS

努力创造一个尊重和接受所有班级成员在个人和团体互动的氛围, 包括犯错和从错误中学习的机会.

Examples: scaffolding or integrating low-stakes assignments that provide opportunity to receive feedback and learn from mistakes prior to evaluation; modeling assertive, non-violent communication skills; providing content warnings prior to viewing discussing sensitive material

作弊101,衡量学生成功的途径 在线形成性评估,衡量学生成功的途径 写更聪明的试题,衡量学生的成功之路

所有班级成员都认识到,一个学科的领域培养了独特的价值观, skills, 以及对任何未来职业都有用的思维习惯.

Examples: 从事解决问题的方法独特的学科是普遍的范围, 练习常规课程,比如问更好的问题, 批判阅读, and groupwork that are useful for any job; allowing students to see themselves professionally in course activities, 在通识教育课程和自我意识之间建立联系.


所有的班级成员都认识到彼此的长处和韧性, 他们提供反馈来帮助彼此成长和改变.

Examples: 提供的 & summative assessments; pointing out what was done well; assigning multiple drafts; holding one-on-one conferences; facilitating peer feedback; rewarding success & effort; soliciting feedback from students to improve the course; conveying optimism.

讨论讨论,吸引学生的途径 在线形成性评估,衡量学生成功的途径ACUE Badge

所有班级成员都与适当的同伴和专业资源相联系,以帮助他们在学业上取得成功, personally, 和专业.

Examples: providing referral information for campus and community resources such as advising and writing services; announcing campus and community events; facilitating peer groups and peer workshops; inviting guest speakers.

可访问的教学材料,构建您的课程路径 向学生展示你的关心,吸引学生的途径 旋转网络研讨会ACUE Badge    OCDP Full Badge包容的教学CCRESS

通过明确课程期望,可以增强信任和透明度, 确保实践的一致性, 保持适当的界限.

Examples: articulating clear policies and implementing them consistently; providing detailed assignment sheets and grading rubrics; responding to email within the communicated time-frame; avoiding all-or-nothing or zero-tolerance policies that are difficult to enforce consistently; consistent with course navigation and design, 创造课堂惯例或仪式.

可访问的教学材料,构建您的课程路径 Canvas评分书和SpeedGrader,教学与技术途径 检查理解,参与学生途径

组织你的课程,构建你的课程路径 开始Canvas的在线活动 & 作业,技术教学途径 透明的作业设计和规则,构建你的课程路径OCDP Full Badge


*《足彩外围网站》改编自Janice Carello的《足彩外围网站》